"Don't!" Lin yelled at the triad boss. "He came here because of me. I wanted to talk to you, he didn't. He only came to protect me."

"That true?"

"I wasn't gonna... Let her... Go alone... With you monsters." Kun somehow found the strength to stand on his two feet after saying that. He was still breathing heavily, but the glare he was giving the Chef showed he felt better.

Kanto smirked, like he just heard some joke no one else understood but him. "You're a good man."

Lin wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it wasn't that.

"The world doesn't care about that. But I do." The Chef added, then turned to his goons. "You will take him to the border to the Shades and no more harm will come to him. Understood?"

The criminals all nodded in unison.

"No!" Kun screamed once they took hold of him again. "I'm not leaving Lin here with you!"

One of the thugs was getting ready to plant his fist in Kun's gut when Kanto put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him.

"You do know what no more harm means, don't you, Ping?"

"Yes, Boss." He lowered his hand.

"Which reminds me... I noticed blood on young officer Beifong's lip. Who's responsible?" He looked around at his people one by one. The guilty man didn't even have to confess, everyone was looking at him. It was the one Kanto called Ping before.

"Boss... I... It was before I recognized her, I would've never... I stopped immediately after—"

"Oh, you stopped?" Kanto took a step towards Ping and the two men standing to his sides moved away, knowing what's coming. "Why didn't you stay so?" The first punch was unexpectedly quick for such an old man and it knocked Ping, who wasn't small, out cold. But Kanto got down on the floor on top of him and kept punching with such ferocity, there was no doubt in Lin's mind the man would be dead soon if she did nothing.

"Stop!" She got away from the men holding her only long enough to shove Kanto a little bit, but it seemed to be enough to snap him out of the state he was in.

After that, Kanto got up, purposely not looking at Lin directly, then walked to the sink to wash blood from his hands. His shirt wasn't perfectly white anymore, either.

"Leave us, everyone," he ordered next.

"But, Boss, she'll—" One of the men holding Lin protested.

"Her arm's recently broken, and she's surrounded. It would be downright stupid to resist. We'll be fine."

Kun still struggled as he was being dragged out the room, but Lin was more worried about him than she was about herself. Part of a police officer's job, really. No situation she ever found herself in scared her more than the people she cared about being away from her where she couldn't help them.

She noticed Kanto still wasn't looking at her, even thought they were all alone in the room. He swaggered to the dining table and sat down. Then he gestured to a chair opposite him.

"I don't believe you're really letting him go," she said.

"Is that so?" He paused. "Sit down. You said you wanted to talk to me. So, talk."

"Is your name Kanto?" She didn't move.

"You aren't supposed to know that." He stretched, reached into the jacket of his suit and took out a pack of cigarettes. "How do you know that?"

"I did some digging in the police records. My mother didn't do that good a job hiding your identity."

"You mind?" He asked, but didn't wait to light his cigarette.

Who the F*** is Kanto?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя