Chapter 1 - Annoying Triad Scum

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Alright, so... This story has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I wrote before. I have a different version of Kanto there, one I wasn't particularly happy with, so I decided to redo the whole story of what happened that caused Lin to happen.

This is just a cute(debatable), little(hardly) story about how Lin's mother met Lin's father and also about who the fuck he is, cause they just sprung him on us in LoK.

Happy reading :)

And the rating is JUST for the SWEARING, as always nothing graphic will be described, since I am a firm believer in "fade to black".


Week 1

"Republic City Police! Open up!" Toph banged on a door.

"Oh, shit." She could barely hear someone from inside say. She kicked down the door.

"What're you waiting for?! Grab 'em, cuff 'em and write the bastards up! I've got dinner plans!"

A group of policemen poured into the room before Toph and used their cables to detain the men inside, who were, until a few seconds ago, preoccupied with shoving money into bags.

"And where're you going?" Toph jerked her hand and caught one of the men with earth just as he was about to exit through the window.

"I'd say, he's going to jail!" a young officer announced, making his coworkers chuckle or at least shake their heads.

"Officer Fei, nice work with those cables," Toph said. "Now just learn some cool lines. What are they teaching at the academy these days anyway?"

"We got all five, Chief." Another officer walked to her. "Now how about the usual terms?"

"I would... But at this point, I feel bad taking your money, Kun."

The other officers laughed and whistled.

"No, I have a good feeling about this. We're in." Officer Huang stepped up next to Kun.

"Fine..." Toph stretched and sat down at the table.

"No touching."

"I know, Mom..." She took in a deep breath and raised her right hand to count on her fingers. "I smell alcohol, beer I'd say, then cigarettes, real cheap ones, pie, meat pie. Next are drugs, of course..."

"You think we're amateurs? What kind of drugs?" Kun asked.

"That sour stench? That's gotta be Spirit Dust." Toph gave them a few moments to disagree with her, but it seemed she'd gotten everything on the table right up until that point. The game was good for honing her senses other than the seismic one, plus she was good at it and it showed her officers who's boss. "Then there has to be money and judging by the position of the furniture I bet they were playing cards."

"Cards for what game?" Huang asked and Kun elbowed him.

"Don't be a jackass."

"No, no... Blind Girl can handle herself," Toph said. Where her senses failed her a little police deduction should do. "There were five guys playing, all or most Earth Kingdom, so the most popular game I know from there that can be played with five people is... Yamin. They're Yamin cards. And the Beifong fortune keeps on growing..."

"Actually, Chief... They're Chait cards." Huang corrected her.

"What? That makes no sense. You can't play that with less than six people." It took her a second to get it. She slammed her foot into the floor with force and listened to what the ground was telling her.

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