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  "yo what!" austin barges into my room. he flops onto my bed sitting criss-cross. "jamesy!"

  a bunch of hello's is thrown at austin but he ignores them. "you want to propose? since when?! you didn't say anything in the group chat?"

  "you have a group chat?" i ask, eyebrows furrowing.

  austin shushes me and glares intently as the screen. james nods, cheeks flushed a light pink, explaining that she's it for him. it makes my heart melt. he truly loves her with all his heart.

  "okay that's enough my turn." zeppelin interrupts after we've finished helping james figure out the details. next family holiday is when it's happening apparently.

  "i like this guy." he starts.

  "what?!" i exclaim.

  "who?!" bellamy shouts.

  "yeah, what the fuck? who?" james echoes, turning to his twin with an offended glare.

  zeppelin groans, shoving him out of frame. "i don't know for sure yet so i don't want to say his name."

  james gives him a look that clearly says we're talking about this later. zeppelin sinks down in his seat, pulling the hood of his jumper over his head and yanking on the strings. "axl you go." he grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.

"nothing new with me." axl shrugs. judging by the hockey posters and medals behind his head he must be in his room in australia. there's a curly mop of hair in the crook of his elbow.

"hey charlie." i chime in. my brothers boyfriend throws up a peace sign but doesn't bother moving from his position.

  "mac what about you?" mack asks. his hand is running periodically over a body of white fur which is sprawled across his lap. it must be minnow, our labrador that's in australia. which means he's home too.

  "nothing much. i leave tomorrow for the far from home premiere but then i come back here until mid-september. then i'm off to the rest of black widow filming till october. and then i'm home." i explain, picking at a thread on my sweats.

  "why are you always so busy?" james whines.

  "because her talents are required." austin mumbles. he seems to be a little more invested in the game on his phone rather than the conversation.

  bellamy butts in next, explaining that he's excited for hockey season to start but also how he's nervous about his new team. he was transferred from the maple leaves to the coyotes, so he's residing in arizona currently. he says it's just like home. bloody hot in the summer.

  this causes our conversation to stray into hockey but but i'm not mad about it. it's my favorite sport.

  mack loops us back into his life update. there isn't much. he's filming in atlanta for his show macgyver, which is on its fourth season. he's also begun seeing his co-star tristan, which is great because she's super sweet.

  we stay on call for a few hours, chatting and messing around. when i leave the call early, as i have a flight to los angeles tomorrow, i snuggle up next to austin in my bed.

  "i can't believe you're leaving again." he says grumpily.

  i laugh, plugging my phone into the charger. "it's a premiere for a movie i wrote the soundtrack to, i kinda have to. plus i want to see zendaya and tom. and hopefully robert if he's there. and harrison."

  "yeah okay." austin scoffs. "big ole movie star we've got over here." he rolls away from me.

  "aus." i complain. i grab his shoulder and force him back towards me. "i'll literally be back the next morning."

  he sighs and stretches out on the mattress. "i know it's just. . .you took this job and i expected you'd be here like, all the time. but you aren't. and it's not even your fault so i can't blame you. i just. . .i miss you. it's been so long since we've hung out by ourselves."

  i frown. i scoot closer to him and he rolls over so his head is on my chest. "we live together."

  he smacks my leg over the sheets. "i know stupid. but someone's always here. and it's usually drew or rudy. i feel like they're stealing you."

  "babe." i start combing through his hair with my fingers. "you're my best friend. there's no one in the world who could ever take me from you."

  he's silent for a moment. "not even madelyn?"

  "weeeell." i drag out.

  "macie!" he gasps. he launches himself over my legs and starts tickling my feet making me squeal. that's the most ticklish spot on my body. i also hate it when people touch my feet. "take it back!"

  i can barely get enough air in to breathe through my laughter. "o-okay! okay! i-ahh! i'm sorry. i take it back i take it back."

  his actions come to a stop and our giggles slowly cease.

  he stands from my bed. "night mac." he says softly, making his way out the door.

  "night aussy." i mumble back. he leaves the door open behind him, shutting off the light on his way out.

  suddenly tired, i curl up in my sheets, letting my thoughts drift until they finally lulled me to sleep.

. . .

𝖦𝖮𝖮𝖣𝖭𝖨𝖦𝖧𝖳 𝖭 𝖦𝖮 ❕RUDY PANKOWTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon