James grunted. "I like Starcross, thank you."

"Yes. You also like art, photography, writing." Ava grinned further. "Does Jon like any of those things?"

James headed for the staircase with a huff. "He's not really one for the terminology, which is fine. I can carry a conversation."

"Rayan speaks your language, though," Ava needled right behind him without fail. "Why are you so mopey? You've been spending time with Rayan. Dad's home after..."

"That's good enough reason to mope, honestly—"

"And!" Ava raised her voice. "It's our last Quad at Eastpoint Collegiate. Were you thinking about something you want to do?"

"No." James shuffled with his straps. "Also, you sound like Dad."

Ava slapped his side. "You need to stop being stubborn. If you want, I'll come later once I'm done with my homework to hang out."

"You, take a break?" James barked out a laugh. "Right, then I'll see you when I'm old and embittered."

Ava's lips pursed into a thin line, and he took his cue to run. Her hand brushed past his head, and he leaped down the last two steps to head for Dad's coat while he slipped on his shoes. Hands in the pockets, he tossed aside lighters and packets for cigars. He scowled when someone cleared their throat down the hall.

Dad leaned on the archway into the living room.

James ignored him to throw the packets and lighters to the side. Full of vice.

"Is there something specific you're looking for, James?" Dad questioned.

James overturned his coat. "Nunya."

"Looking for these?" Dad flipped the tangle of keys out of his palm. James dug his fingertips into his palm as Dad hid them between his fingers. "I'd appreciate you asked me instead of stealing my keys."

"As if you're ever around to use them," James argued and lunged for the keys, but Dad held them out of reach. "I'd appreciate it if we minded our own business. I stay out of yours, you stay out of mine."

"You shouldn't steal," Dad pointed out and switched the keys into his other hand when James tried to grab them. "You're better than that."

"You don't know me." Frustration licked his elbows and he swiped air when Dad dodged with ease. Atmospheric pressure crushed his jaw against his teeth.

"Next time, ask instead of taking," Dad scolded before twisting the tangle and tossed the keys to the Falae mansion into his hands. "Go on."

"I didn't need your permission."

"No, but you need my keys."

James tucked the keypod into his pocket while Dad picked up the scattered lighters and packets to light a cigar. Smoke tangled in the air with the flickered ember while Dad nearly crushed the butt of the cigar between his teeth with a puff, and he glared at James.

"So I can't steal, but you can smoke in the house?" James snapped. "I don't think you have room to talk." He rushed out of the house to avoid Dad's comeback. His path took him through the forest, on a different track to Rayan's house. Adrift in space, he faltered on the way, outside the park where him and Ava used to play.

Heaviness weighed his shoulders as he slumped onto one of the swings. Notepad empty, bereft of anything meaningful. He dug his finger against his temple and hoped to squeeze something out. It never worked, so he leaned back and swung with the pendulum of emotions beating against his heart.

Maybe I'm frustrated because I've been stuck. He curled his hands around the notepad. Yeah... ever since the quad started I just... can't think. I just need to find a good place to sit and think. Scowling, he forced himself through the blocked tide, full of debris. He checked his wristpad for the time. If I rush, I'll only be a couple minutes late... He sucked in his lips. ... why do I care if I'm late? Hands stuffed in his pockets, he took the scenic route to capture a frozen moment for Rayan to paint his own view of a beautiful world.

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