Chapter 65

91 13 63

Planet: Eteran, Outside of Kalto

First Insurgency War


His nights were tainted with brimstone.

Every night he bathed in the explosion of starfire.

He long accepted the truth and long let go of the frozen autumn of deep molten golds.

James sat in the sniper shack overlooking the entirety of Kalto. Maia hovered in the opposite corner with her hand on their communications and a shadowed expression on her face. Quiet air filled his ears, and he hated its silence which told him nothing of what came next.

It was calm before a firestorm. Chills raised the flesh on his neck and stirred a primal fear in his heart. I know General Falae doesn't trust Keaton with a rock... but I have my order. Amazed frustration choked his throat at the division within Sanctum Command, right to the top.

But why am I shocked? One voice against many. He adjusted the scope of his rifle and sat cross-legged with a huff. He ignored the warmth in the back of his mind — the heat of a campfire, the longing of a promise, shielded by controlled flames and his lips against someone else's.

No. Focus.

He tried to burn it with the rest of his heart, but it dogged him.

"We should get going soon," Maia said. "Just sitting here waiting is making me nervous. General Falae hasn't sent word yet."

"It'll come. Trust her." He aimed down the scope to watch a lone Gorgot slink through the bushes under the cover of darkness. Its whip-like tail held high for the hunt of its quarry. He understood the base nature of the creature he kept his focus on.

"I trust her," Maia said with her signature, nervous mousy squeak. "It's just... she's one voice. Neither of us spoke up against what they were saying. We were there, James."

James pressed his cheek against the butt of his rifle. "It's not our job or place to speak. It's our job to follow our orders and pull the trigger when they point us at our enemies."

Maia groaned. "At least you're talkative."

James rolled his eyes and readied himself for any sort of signal of the end. Silence hummed against his spine, but he focused on nothing but the job he had in front of him.

"I know it's a little late, but happy starday."

Her sudden words tore him off the scope. "Huh?"

"General Falae told me your starday," Maia said, deadpan. "It crossed my mind that I never said anything to you."

"You're late by a couple months." James wiped his mind of his entire world when the moments threatened to freeze in his crimson stained fingers. Back to his scope, to take down the golden opponent, once and for all. Ava's smile drifted in his mind, uncertain, in pain, but he pushed her out too. Today, people are going to die... but if I'm quick, only one has to... Rayan Falae.

For he longed to stop the flames from haunting his universe.

If we wait for the artillery strike I could use the chaos to hunt him down... James tapped the trigger and considered the options ahead. Or... I want him to come to me. If I go now, I won't be able to avoid the strike. He released his grip on the rifle and frowned down at his hands. There's no way of winning, is there?

A deep hum filled his ears and alerted him to an old enemy in the skies.

Maia fiddled with the portable TSC. "Why hasn't she sent anything?"

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