Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I get off the wall and move around him, on the soles of my feet, crouched low and arms up in a defensive stance. He swings haphazardly at me, knife still on the floor, I dodge out of the way I grab his arm and twisted it to the small of his back causing him to faulter to the wall. He grunts.

"Fuck. You bitch." He slurs between breaths but with his upper body weight he shakes me off and slaps me across the face. He holds me by the collar of my shirt, the rays of light peeking in then it all happens so quickly.

There was a crash. A loud booming sound. Shouts. And a hand on my shoulder while the other crashes into Kiyoshi's jaw a loud crack resounds in the room.

Don't really know what happened after as all I could see and hear was Wakatoshi and his beating heart smashing against my ear drums. I close my eyes and listen, I hold tight onto him and he doesn't stop for a second to whisper nice, calming sweet things into my ear.

"Shush, it's okay now. I'm here now." He begins rocking back and forth as he cradles me against his chest and makes his way out of the club room. I hear murmurs and the sound of my friends; I peek open to see the stairs filled with both the volleyball team and rugby team with a herd of teachers.

We make our way towards his dorm room with one hand he opens the door while still holding onto me, goddamn how strong is he. He kicks it close probably breaking it and then makes his way to his room I assume. I've never been his dorm let alone his room. he sets me down on his bed then leaves.

I would get up if I could but I find myself shaking uncontrollably and so I just look around. Volleyball coats his walls, some trophies and photos of himself and the team, his bed is neatly made that a volleyball on his pillow. I chuckle at this find.

The door opens to him holding a red box I assume the med kit and some ice. He sits next to me and turns me towards him, he ices my knuckles and then gets the cotton balls out and uses the tweezers to dab them on my cuts. I wince away from the pain; his large hands gently engulf mine.

I pucker my bottom lip out and feel warm tears streak down my cheek as I begin to cry. His olive eyes trail mine; his face has softened he continues on; he cleans the cut on my face and my knuckles then I remember the bite mark. My neck is killing.

"Wwwakatoshi...mmmy neck." I look away from him as I feel him peel the cloth away, I feel his rage from his aura. His left-hand caresses my cheek before leaning in and pecking his lips so gently that it's a feathers touch.

He gets up and rummages through his drawers pulling out black shorts and a black top with that red volleyball character...vabo-chan and hands them to me. I take them and having no shame and honestly drained I change right then and there, Wakatoshi however doesn't look away but I get the chance to see pink tinted on his cheeks and ears. Before I put the top on, I wanted him to clean the wound first.

"Can you clean it please?" I hold his gaze, his top dwarfs me the hem of the shirt reaches my knees. He frowns visibly and carefully cleans the bite mark, the fucker bit deep and so my whole shoulder is red, once that was cleaned it was now black and blue. It hurt worse than receiving Wakatoshi's spike with the face.

"It's done, you're staying here for the rest of the day." His blunt tone was calming at this point, but I don't want him to go. I grab hold of his hand.

"Don't leave." I pout, I get comfortable in his bed Wakatoshi follows behind me and keeps me close. I feel the soft kisses on my neck and back.

"Now sleep." He states, I hold his locked hands around my waist while I close my eyes and nod off. Completely disregarding the day and practice which I'm sure coach will be mad about, hopefully has done everything that I asked of her and this fucking shit show can end.

We both lie together in each other's arms.

Woah that was intense.

Next chapter will be a little be riskey for some readers, like some ****smut***, and NSFW stuff, it's long awaited, and I know that you're all secretly craving it. Never wrote that sort of content before so heads up it's gonna be shit.

Anyway so like you know sorry if this chapter made you feel uncomfortable and made you stop reading cos if your sensitive to that sort of stuff I recommend skipping the next chapter as well if you find that sort of stuff uncomfortable.

Released my new fanfic so please give that some love and attention that you do with this one, you can find it on my page.

Thank you for the lovely comments and votes, love yall and keep it up <3<3<3 😊

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