Chapter 3

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Diggy's POV

I picked her body up bridal style to my car. I ran quickly in the house to tell everyone to go to the hospital quickly. She's hurt. Badly.

Now, I'm not those guys who get a girl and leave them. No, I'm not that.

"God, hear me out please. I love Raissa with my whole heart and would do anything for her. She's my everything. Even if she goes back with Roc...I will still love her. I'll wait for her. Just don't make her die. 

She means the world to me, please...please."

My eyes began to water. I reached the hospital and carried her inside. I kissed her cheek as the nurses put her on a gurney.

Raissa's POV

If I could hug Diggy right now I would. But I can't wake up, sadly. He really meant those words he said. He really loves me. This has been a crazy roller coaster for me. I finally see that Roc isn't the one for me, it's been Diggy all along. How could I have been so stupid? Damn.

"I've taught you well." A distant voice said.

"Who are you?"

"Don't remember your good old friend?"

I blinked, took a look at the person again.

"Tal? Omg! Am I dead? WAIT, are you dead?!"

"I was never alive. I was your guardian angel since you were born. Now about this boy named Diggy...I heard everything you just said about him. You're right. I searched every where to find him for you."

I smiled. "You found Diggy, for me?"

"That's what friends are for. Roc...was a mistake by the way. He's a good friend but he's not good for you."

"Thanks Tal. Now I know you'll always be looking down on me."

I gave him a hug and started crying.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"I'm just really happy to see you again. After you left I was bullied 100x more than before. I owe you a lot right now. You made me have all of this. But I never did anything for you."

"Hey, being a friend is all i need. Especially if im a Angel...I don't have any human friends. Except you."

I smiled at him and wiped my tears.

"You gotta go back to your friends."

"Alright. I'll miss you!"

He smiled. "I'll miss you too."

Diggy's POV

"Baby, baby please wake up!"

I saw her fingers moving.


I hugged her while crying. "Thank God you're alive!"

"Diggy, I heard everything you said about me in the car...did you mean it?"

"Of course. I mean it, I love you. I hope you're not mad."

"You were defending yourself. Im not mad at all."

I leaned in and kissed her long and passionate.

"Uh em." Roc coughed. "Is it okay if I talked to her alone?"

I nodded and walked out the room. I don't care if this is a hospital if laid one finger on my girl...then HE'S gonna be the one on the hospital bed.

My (Raissa)'s POV

We just stood there in complete silence.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I forgive you. But why? Why would you cheat on me Roc?"

He held his head down. "I-I don't know."

"You made me feel like you didn't care about me at all. If you wanted to break up with me, you could have said so."

"I know. Baby I'm sorry."

"Roc," I said. "I can't be with you anymore."

"What?" He looked confused.

"Diggy's a great guy. He really loves me and I love him. I'm sorry Roc but it over. Look at what you started? I'm now on a hospital bed because of you. I can't go back."

"So you're dropping out of the tour? Please don't."

"No, I promise. But we won't have the same connection we used to. We'll only see each other as friends."

He smiled. "I can deal with that."

"Great. Go to Bev it's okay. And I hope you guys have a nice relationship together."

He walked out the room. But I still kinda have feelings for Roc. He was the first guy I really liked. But Diggy's the first guy I really loved.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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