Beautiful Evening

Start from the beginning

"What's the matter, babe?"

Magnus cleared his throat as he swallowed the meatball he was chewing. "Umm... I'm sorry in advance, but... what's the occasion? It's not my birthday, there's no fest happening, is it any kind of our anniversary which I don't remember? Or something important?"

Alec bit his lip to suppress his smile. "None of the above, babe. There's no occasion. It's a simple date with my beautiful boyfriend, nothing more."

Magnus gave him a silent look and played with the fork he was holding. He wasn't convinced that it was a simple date. Knowing his boyfriend, he knew Alec won't go all out and plan anything if there's nothing to celebrate about. So that only left him with only one question. "Do you need anything from me?" The words slipped out of his tongue before he could stop them.


"Are you... buttering me, Alexander? Do you need anything from me? A favour, help?" He bit his lip as he looked directly into those beautiful honey hazel eyes.

Alec sighed as he put down his cutlery. "Magnus, why don't you believe that for once I wanted to surprise you with a normal date? Instead of making it romantic...." He trailed off and pushed back his plate. He was about to stand up when Magnus grabbed his hand, looking at him with guilty eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, darling. It's just... it's completely out of your character. You don't normally..." He bit his lip and played with the food on his plate.

"Can't I for once do something which is different from my normal lifestyle? I just wanted to have some romantic time for us, Magnus."

"Sorry...." Magnus sing songed then picked up the chocolate-dipped strawberry and held it in front of his boyfriend's mouth who was looking at him with sad eyes.

Alec kept staring at Magnus but then finally gave in and bit the strawberry, biting on Magnus' finger as well.

"Yikes! Alexander!"

"That's for ruining our moment!"

Magnus sighed and they dug into their food once again, sharing a sweet kiss now and then or mostly when Magnus was moaning with delight at the taste of the food and showering his boyfriend with compliments making Alec a blushing mess. Magnus was extremely full as he finished most of the dishes kept on the table.

"Wow... now I feel like I can't walk! You're amazing, darling!" Magnus waved his hands towards his boyfriend, indicating him to pick him up.

Alec chuckled, held those hands of his lazy boyfriend, helped him to stand up then fulfilling his wish, he picked him up bridal style, and walked towards Magnus' bedroom. As he opened the door he carefully put him down making the man in his arms gasp.

The whole room was decorated with scented candles as well, with beads of pearls carefully placed around each candle. His bed sheets were changed and were completely white with a giant heart made of rose petals made in the centre of it. There was a beautiful aroma of jasmine and white lilies spread in his whole room, relaxing his mind and soul instantly. Looking down at the floor, Magnus noticed one more pathway of rose petals leading towards his bathroom. He glanced towards Alec who was grinning and winked at him making him shake his head.

Following the trail, he walked towards his bathroom only to find everything organized in a proper manner with scented candles placed around the sides of the bathtub and a bunch of rose petals scattered around. He looked around and noticed a bag of petals sitting at the base of the sink cabinet then his eyes fell on his boyfriend who was leaning against the door with a soft smile on his face, holding a bottle in his hand. He frowned as he glanced between the bottle and Alec.

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