Supply Run - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

Galek puts away the hologram of the plan and looks at the troopers

"This supply run is crucial for the support of the twi'leks, if this supply run fails the tail heads will be against the republic," Galek turned his head to Darok giving a slight nod to tell the troops to get to the Armored transports

"Get to your armored transports, we are leaving! Let's go triple time it!" Darok yelled

The troopers boarded the Manka class armored transports. Galek, Darok, Jorgan and Pierce went over the plan again and then went to their separate transports. The LAATs picked up the transports and flew them out to the surface of Ryloth.

Galek went into his commlink and contacted thresher

"Oi thresher, after you drop us off fly back and grab an Arc-170, no doubt if the Seps bring ground units they'll bring gunships and vultures."

"You got it boss, Guardians will have that handled if there is any issue," Thresher responded, "just make sure you leave some ground assets for us to strafe run yeh"

"No promises thresher" Galek responded

Two ARF troopers by the names of Thanar and Ahkar walked up to Galek with Wraith infront of them.

"Galek, this is Thanar and Ahkar, two more marksman at your disposal." Wraith says

"Perfect" Galek says, "When we get on the ground at our checkpoint there is a tower that I want you guys sitting up in giving over watch while we give supplies to the tail heads."

Ahkar and Thanar nodded and walked away to sit by the crates of supplies. Wraith looked at Galek and questioned him

"You seem bothered"

"Jorgan put Darok in charge knowing that I have capabilities of leading this mission without trouble" Galek responded, "Darok has only seen combat on Geonosis he's just another NCO"

"Jorgan put you to supervise him so you are technically leading this" Wraith said putting his hand on Galek's shoulder, "So focus up because who knows maybe you'll find a lucky Twi'lek here"

Both Galek and Wraith laugh at the joke, wraith walks off back to the marksmans and Galek sits down next to Revai who is messing with his commlink.

"Galek what frequency is Command net?" Revai asked

Galek looks at Revai and responds

"Well first of all you don't need command net, you need to be on 152 to stay in contact with Jorgan"

Revai puts in the net and then looks at Galek

"I don't think jorgan knows his comms are on"

"Why do you say that," Galek said back

"Well I just heard him scream at 2 troopers for eating out of the supplies and threatened to kick them out of the Manka mid flight," He says laughing

Galek laughs and then goes to his commlink

"This is Havoc 1-1 to Havoc Actual over"

"This is Havoc Actual, send it" Jorgan said over radio

"Havoc Actual please refrain from kicking out any troopers of the Manka as we need enough people to carry the supplies," Galek said holding back his laugh

Jorgan laughs over the radio and responds

"If he drops a supply box on the floor I'm feeding him to the rancor's"

"That's fine with me," Galek said, "Havoc 1-1 out"

Galek switches his radio to 60 and tells the pilots to begin landing sequence. The LAATs land the Manka's down on the ground and fly away. The Manka's begin moving down the path in a single file.

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