"No, it's not," Fuu reasoned with a sigh, closing her eyes, dropping her face to the side, "I don't want to be property...I want to be cared for...I love you Mugen...please...you don't have to say it for anyone else to hear...but...I want to know...I want to know you care..."

A sideways glance was cast in her direction as he felt her hand trying to pull away from his. She wasn't looking at him anymore, and she looked like he'd hurt her. Fuck, he felt like he'd been punched seeing that expression! It was the rogue's turn to tighten his grip on her hand, causing her to flick her gaze toward him through her lashes, "Stupid...why do I gotta say it at all?"

There was no response. His features shocked the woman as she looked at him, his tan, weathered skin seemed to take on a rosy hue as he shifted awkwardly. She knew she was being unfair. But there really was a difference. He could claim her as his, and he could leave. If he truly loved her, then he would be less likely to abandon her. She really needed to hear him say it.

"Gah! Really, Fuu?" The hand not holding hers, rubbed at the former pirate's face as he sighed in exasperation, "Look, you say it ain't the same, but the way I see it, I fight for what's mine. You ain't property, I get that. But yer mine, and I'm yours...I ain't gonna let you go, that's what I'm sayin'. So, ya....I guess..."

Large brown eyes lifted to gaze at him in earnest, his last words having come out in a murmur she hadn't really caught. She knew what he had said, though. In surprised happiness she buried her head against his chest, whispering, "Mugen..."

"Yeah...well...I ain't gonna start spoutin' it all over or anythin', you got that?!" Mugen snapped, though his stubborn pout clearly held an underlying embarrassment. He was met with a giggle and a nod from Fuu. Turning suddenly, he pulled her along by their linked hands, "Let's get goin', then...."

Fuu's smile was wide as she followed, able to keep up with his long strides easily in her giddy pace.


Jin and Shino were waiting outside the tea house, Hiroshi's parents having gone in to speak with their son immediately after Mugen's departure. Well...Jin was attempting to wait in his typical stoic patience, though his brow twitched in mild agitation as his wife gushed about the friends she had left to reconcile. The ronin loved his wife, really and truly he did. She brought out things in him that no other could, emotions and a level of self expression previously unknown. Still, there were times when he wished for the calm meditative atmospheres that had grown more seldom available since their marriage.

"Oh, Jin dear, it was wonderful!" The former brothel girl gushed repeatedly, "Seeing her realize what she was actually feeling, and then Mugen showed up at the perfect moment! You were entirely right about letting the river carve its own course!"

With a sigh, the man turned to look at his wife. He was getting rather tired of hearing her repeat the same thing over again, but he was trying to be patient. He knew Shino had been waiting for this moment. When his dark eyes landed on her, his irritation lessened instantly, the glow on her features was radiant in her joy. The only time he'd seen her more brilliant was the day she learned she was with child, that moment she had been so moved by joy she'd wept. Thus, rather than remind her how frequently she had commented on their friends' impending confessions, he found himself smiling warmly, "That's good."

"Isn't it?" The woman rested her head against his shoulder, smiling contentedly, seemingly satisfied enough to end her retelling of the situation now that Jin had given in and agreed with her.

For a few moments they remained that way in peaceful silence until Shino spied two figures in the distance, letting out a soft sound of excitement, nudging her husband in the side, "Jin dear, look! Here they come!"

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