Chapter 8- Travis is a Badass

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  [Travis is a Badass]
Warning, this chapter will contain: Gore, choking, self-deprecating thoughts, panic attacks, vomiting, mentions of alcohol, and physical fighting
Travis POV -

  I held my breath as I silently crept behind my father, slowly raising Larry's bat higher, trying to ignore the dried blood on the end. I was shaking slightly, both from fear and anger. This sick bastard found me, as of he didn't do enough damage already. I'm honestly surprised he even gave a shit I left. Ah, guess he thought I knew too much. I held my breath, gritting my teeth, as I inched closer behind my father. I was fucking infuriated.

  Ashley opened one of her eyes, whimpering in pain when her hair got yanked again, and went slack-jawed when she saw me. She nodded slightly and shut her eye again. I glanced back towards Larry and Sal. Larry's eyes seemed far off, but not to the point of passing out.

  The sweater around his bleeding wound had went from a light violet to a dark brown from the blood, making numbing fear run through my body. Sal's chest was still rising and falling gently, the blood starting to dry on his mask and head. They have done so much for me, all of them, I need to protect them. Larry's going to die of blood loss if I don't hurry.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I took another step closer to my father, leaving about a foot between us. I need to do this. Just as he lifted Ashley higher in the air by her hair, I leaped forward and slammed my bat on his head, landing on my ass afterwards. He shrieked and dropped Ashley to the ground, loosing his footing and falling to his knees. His gun went cascading across the floor, landing in the corner.

  She stood up and ran to bathroom, returning moments later with med kit. Ashley started to disinfect Larry and Sal's wounds. I warily stood up. Larry managed to lock eyes with me and gave a wary smile. More tears fell down my cheeks as I smiled back. I can do this, for him, for them. Fuck, for me.

  I turned my attention back to the grown man crying on the floor, trying desperately to stand up. Blood was steadily dripping from the gash in his head, turning his blonde locks into an angry scarlet. The man that made my life a living hell is sobbing in front of me. The man who shot the boy I love, and beat my new and only friends. My knuckles went white as I gripped the bat tighter. I lost all composure and control.

A scream ripped its way out of my throat as I jerked him straight up by the back of his collar and held my bat to his neck, immediately applying pressure. I held the bat between my forearms and my hands were against the back of his head. My father gasped for air as I choked him, yanking the bat harder against his throat and pushing his head forward. My sight blurred as he desperately clawed at my arms. The more he struggled, the worse my arms hurt, but the more determined I became.

  "Let..go..yo-you pi-piece of shit!" My father managed to choke out. At this point all his movements were jerky and he was gasping for air, occasionally letting out a pitiful sob. He was shaking uncontrollably. His eyelids were red and puffy and there were red splotches on the whites in his eyes, probably from popped blood vessels. My fathers face had tinted purple and his veins were now visible.

He went fucking ape-shit, now flailing his limbs frantically. His elbow managed to ram into my chest, sending me stumbling backward as the pain spread through my body. Fucking ow. He took a deep breath and started hacking, clutching his throat desperately. I got a good look at his face. The red splotches in his eyes were still quite visible and his eye lids were still puffy. Tears were running down his cheeks and saliva was trailing down his chin. Blood was still running down the back of his head, parts dried and staining his hair.

After a few more seconds of violent coughing, my father gasped and puked bile onto the floor. A look of disgust spread across my face as the foul smell lingered in my nose. Fucking ew. My father panted a few more seconds and passed out with a loud thud, head landing in the grotesque pile of bile in front of him. I looked down at my shaking hands. Drying blood coated my fingertips and palm from the gash in his head. I took a deep breath and combed fingers through my hair, wet with sweat.

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