Chapter 1: Please Fuck Off

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Please Fuck off ]

Larry POV~

I woke up to my alarm screaming in my ears. I turned my head and looked at the clock. 7:45 am. I groaned and lazily stuck my arm out and turned off, immediately turning around, hoping to go back to sleep. Fuck it, my hangover is too bad. Last night me, Sal, Ash, and Todd all hung out and drank like 3 bottles of vodka between all of us. I also smoked like a lot of weed. I laid in bed for about 5 more minutes until I heard my mom yell, "Lar-Bear! Get dressed and eat breakfast, you're going to be late!"

I sighed and finally stood up. I stretched my and slowly pulled on my black jeans. I opened my drawer and pulled out a random Sanity Falls shirt. I slipped on my black boots and quickly tied them. God today's gonna suck ass. My heads fucking pounding. The minute I walked through the door, my mom shoved a pop tart in my mouth and my bag in my hands. "Larry, you have to go, you're going to be late! I swear, if your late one more time I'm going to slap you! C'mon, Sal's probably still waiting for you!"

I stumbled to the door and ran to the elevator. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Mrs. Packerton going to be pissed. I quickly ate the pop tart as I ran. The elevator opened and Sal looked up at me. "Larry, what the fuck! I've been waiting here for like 20 fucking minutes." I laughed nervously and shook my head. "Sorry bro, I have a killer hang over." He lightly punched me and laughed. The minute the doors opened, Sal turned to me and somehow I could tell me was smiling. I guess I've just caught on to this stuff by now.

Sal ran off and yelled "Race ya to school!" and then he ran at Godspeed after saying that. My mind was racing while looking for Sal, 'fuck fuck fuck fuck!' I panicked so fucking hard thinking if he gets hurt or fucking kidnapped, I be fucked. " Sal, where the fuck are you! Jesus- oh shit!" I was yelling the shit out of my life that I didn't know who I hit. "Ow- oh, hey Larry" I accidentally bumped into Maple, one of my friends. "Oh, Hey Maple, Sorry," I apologized a little and then said "Have you seen Sal?" "Oh yeah, he ran into the school a little while ago-" I didn't really care what else she said, I just ran in the school right away.

After running for about 3 minutes, I was in front of the school. My mind was racing so much I didn't even know where I was going. I swear, if Sal ever does this to me again while I have hang over and only got 3 god damn hours of sleep I will kill him. In my haze of confusion and worry, I bumped into Travis fucking Phelps. I groaned and shook my head. "Travis, can you please fuck off today?! I'm not in the mood for your fucking bull shit, asshole." I yelled. I can't do this shit today. Travis looked up at me and I immediately stepped back. Holy shit.

Travis's eyes were watery as if he were about to start fucking balling. His black eye somehow looked worse, and his nose and lip were bleeding. He was clutching his stomach like he was in immense pain. Oh fuck what then hell happened to him?! "Holy shit dude, are you okay?" I asked, moving forward slightly. Travis stepped back and shook his head. I remembered that I had a crumbled recipe in my pocket, and I knew that I had a damn pencil somewhere. Should I really do this? I mean, I know there is some shit going on in his life, but he's such a fucking ass. "Goddamn it," I muttered putting my hand in my pocket, pulling out a receipt and a pen I forgot I had. I'm really doing this, huh?

Travis looked at me curiously as I write my number down on the receipt, having to press it down on my thigh to make my number clear. After I finished scribbled my number down, I shoved it to Travis. "Listen, this doesn't mean that I forgive you, this just means that if your getting the shit beaten out of you, call me. I live at Addison apartments, if you really need me. Just ask my mom, Lisa, for a card. Okay, jackass?" I blurted. Jesus I'm really doing this. Travis stared at the paper and back to me for a few minutes before blushing lightly and smiling weakly.

"Thanks, Larry. I know I've done some fucked up shit before, but for what it's worth, I don't hate you, or your friends." Travis smiled. For once in the entire time I've ever known him, his smile was genuine. And he looked weirdly nice. I blushed. The fuck was that? This is Travis Phelps's bitch ass. He's not nice. He's not cute. He's just Travis. "Well, I have to go to class. Thanks again, Larry." Travis said as he started to walk away. I nodded. Wait wasn't I doing something? Fuck, I need to get to class and find Sal. I bolted for the school doors, ignoring the greetings from people I passed. I need to get to class.

I ran into my first class seconds before the bell rang. I took my seat next to Sal and sighed in relief. "Sal, what the hell man, you scared the shit out of me. You know I can't thing straight when I have a hang over." I scolded. Sal just snorted and shook his head. "Larry, you're about as straight as a damn rainbow." I laughed and shook my head. Travis, who was sitting on Sals left, looked at me. At first, I thought he was about to say a slur or some shit, but he just smiled meekly and went back to laying his head down on his desk. Sal looked at me.

"Huh. That was weird, but I'm not complaining." After Sal said that, class began. The day seemed to drag and on, and I only had 2 thoughts: Weed and Travis. Weed for obvious reason, today sucked. Throughout the whole day, my mind kept lingering to what happened this morning. Even though Travis is an ass, I'm still worried about him. I know that his dad is a pastor, and even worse then him. I was snapped out of my thought as Sal gently tapped my shoulder. "Larry, are you okay? You've distant all day." He asked. I sighed and nodded. "Sorry, bro. I'm just a bit out of it today." I explained. Sal patted my shoulder. "It's okay, Larry. You can always talk to me about it. I smiled and nodded.

Me and Sal walked back to Addison apartments, talking about random shit. I was still more quiet than usual, but I was better then before. If Travis needs help, he'll call me. If he doesn't call, then that's on him. And this doesn't mean I like him, I'm just a good person, right? God I hope so. When we got outside the apartments, Sal said he would meet me in my room to hangout. I nodded and headed down to the basement. Okay, time to completely ignore my homework and head bang to Sanity Falls! I was about to start the music when I heard someone banging on my door. The fuck?

Then I heard yelling. Sal wouldn't be breaking my damn door or screaming, so who the fuck is doing this? I ran to the door and opened it.

And then I screamed.

|-| IDFC |-| Travis x LarryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora