12 | Delinquents - Part 2

Start from the beginning

The kids didn't dare get closer to the angry bomb, he looked like he was about to blow a fuse. Kirishima calmed him down before bringing in that he had an idea, "Which one of you wants to be a hero? Raise your hand!"

Midoriya gulped, "Uh-- Kirishima I already did that--"

Before the greenette could even finish, the sharp-teethed young man was bombarded with 'Me's from countless children.

"I want to be one!"
"I'm already strong!"
"Heroes are really cool!"

Kirishima grinned and carried two kids who were too shocked to even notice, "I want to be one too! It's all about the manliness and bravery! Heroes are to protect everyone from danger, right, kids?!"

They nodded, seemingly enjoying his unexpected burst of enthusiasm. "Boys and Girls who cause trouble for their teachers can't become heroes! You get that right?"

"...we can't...?"

"That's right! So in that case, we should--"

"But then that means.." The boy interjected, bluntly telling him off, "You can't be one either because you increased the people's workloads by making them hold these extra special trainings."


couldn't reply to that.

"I didn't know these kids were more twisted than I thought they'd be." Midoriya bit his lip.

"Oh-- I have an idea!" Yaoyorozu's face lit up as she pranced her way to a little girl, seemingly planning to play with them. She sat beside them and did a simple clapping game.

It failed when they yelled at her for 'cheating.'

"I'll take these matters into my own hands!" Iida decided to lecture them for their childish tantrums as if he was some kind of district attorney.

It failed after they casually didn't bother to even notice the blue-haired boy... Again.

"I tell 'ya, we need violence to put 'em in their place!" Bakugo growled at them, angrily tapping his foot.

Todoroki finally spoke, "That's where you're wrong, Bakugo."

"Huuh?! That's how I was raised, y'now!"

"There's definitely a better way of doing things."

That's when the blonde remembered what he overheard during the Sports Festival. Everything that had happened to Todoroki in his past.

He gritted his teeth, "Oh, is that so?!"

"You guys have to stop." Midoriya finally tightened his voice at their endless fights, "We have better things to do right now."

Bakugo didn't even look at the greenhead and raised his head mockingly, "Alright, Mr.-Better-way-of-doing-things, go ahead and show me how you finish this, then!"


The boy walked away and stared at the children. He shut his eyes close, preparing what he would say. "I need to show what kind of person I am to them. Everything I say will fall deaf ears until I do."

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