Hey! Go get a job!

Start from the beginning

April 17th, 2020

The next morning, Hirozaku got out of bed after his alarm rang. He stops it until this time, his phone rings. "Who's calling you this early?" Kap asks with a yawn. "Fuck if I know." Hirozaku says as he picks up the phone. "Hello, my dear student." This is Agatha's voice coming from the other side of the line. "Wait, how the hell did you get my-" "As you have experienced that day, your Zodiac links are very important. There may be some people around you already such as your mother and her boyfriend." Agatha says interrupting Hirozaku. "How the fuck did you-" "You'll find out that those who become your friend will have problems of their own. You must help them overcome their trials. Do so and you'll find yourself with a Persona very large in power, in order to assist you in your graduation." Agatha says before hanging up. "The hell was that?" Hirozaku asks out loud.

Hirozaku takes Kap to his school. "So, this is your new school now?" Hirozaku asks. "Yeah. It seems pretty fun." Kap responds. "It always starts like that, until you find yourself bored out of your skull." Hirozaku responds prior to the school bell going off. "Welcome, Kaoru." Rina Takahara's voice is heard. They see Takahara approaching them. "You should be getting to your homeroom, Kaoru-kun. The bell already rang." Takahara says. "That's what that bell means? I thought it meant some sort of problem." Kap says. "Oh no, you'll adjust around here, Kaoru-kun." Takahara says. "You best get to your class too, young man." Takahara tells Hirozaku. "You have to be a good older brother to Kaoru-kun." "He isn't- well, whatever." Hirozaku says. "Yo, is that a Sonic the Hedgehog necktie you got?" Hirozaku asks. "Oh yes, my son who is also the same age as Kaoru-kun made it for me, I couldn't resist in not wearing it." Takahara says. "Heads up!" A child's voice was heard. Then suddenly, Hirozaku has his hand out and catches a softball flying right at the principal. Afterwards some kids run towards the two. "Sorry." The student says as Hirozaku hands back the softball. Hirozaku's diligence has improved after catching the softball. "You children shouldn't be playing anymore! Now get to class!" Takahara tells the children who rush off to class. "Thank you, umm, I don't believe I've gotten your name." Takahara says. "It's Hirozaku." "Well I'm Rina Takahara. It was nice to speak with you." Takahara says as she escorts the students inside. "Well that happened." Hirozaku says as he returns to his school.

School proceeds and the current period is currently Japanese literature with the teacher talking about Utsubo Kubota. "As such, Kubota has been a lecturer at Waseda University and has passed away April of 1967. Tanimoto." Rikiya looks up surprised and stands up after he is called on. "Yes sir?" "You are a photographer, do you know what Kubota's real name is?" The teacher asks. "Oh, that, it's uhh" Rikiya stutters. Hirozaku writes down the answer on a piece of paper and slips it to Rikiya to see. "Tsūji Kubota." Rikiya responds. "Very good. After graduating from what we know as Waseda University, Kubota went on to work on various newspapers and magazines. And here I was thinking you weren't paying attention. Moving on." The teacher proceeds. "Hey thanks, I owe ya one." Rikiya thanks. Everyone starts muttering about how Hiro knew something like that. "I didn't know he knew that." "I should've expected someone with a camera all the time like Rikiya to know that one." "I think it's more like Hiro gave him the answer, he must pay attention in class." This makes Hiro slightly more popular, for Hirozaku has helped a friend answer the question and his intelligence has improved as well as his charm after showing that he takes notes. School then comes to a close and Hirozaku exits the building to see Kap there waiting for him. "Yo! Hiro!" Kap exclaims. "'Sup." Hirozaku responds. "So, this was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. A lot of students were talking about you talking with the principal." Kap says. "I'd say it's just some stupid shit that's been heard from their parents. Let them talk, who the hell would take them seriously?" Hirozaku asks. "Yeah you're right. You're not really the kind of guy that would-" Suddenly, some papers falling could be heard with a shriek following suit, with some piece of paper flying at Hirozaku's leg. He picks it up and takes a read. It looks like a student schedule. He turns around to see a girl there picking up some papers. This girl is Ai Yoshinaga, the student council vice president. "Yo. You dropped this." Hirozaku says as he hands her the paper she dropped. "Oh thank you." Yoshinaga says. "You need any help with that?" Hirozaku asks. "Yes, thank you so much!" He helps her up and helps her carry some stuff. "Mind if my little bro helps along? Don't think this could be a two man job thing." Hiro asks. "Of course." Yoshinaga says as Kap follows the two. "I have to get these to the student council as soon as possible." Yoshinaga says. "Is that so? The president still have it out for me?" Hirozaku asks. "Oh, that's right, you were the student that had the school concerned. I'm sorry you had to go through that, I'm sure you're a nice person." Yoshinaga says. "Yo, don't sweat it. Let the guys talk about me. But if they wanna brawl, they just need to piss me off, otherwise, let them mind their own business." Hirozaku responds. "Oh, that's a relief. I thought you would hold a grudge." Yoshinaga says as they enter the student council. There is the student council president, Megumi Maebara, typing away at her laptop. "Maebara-san, I have what you need." Yoshinaga says as she places the papers besides her. Maebara looks up and sees Hirozaku. "I see. And you asked him to help?" Maebara asks. "The hell is that supposed to mean?" Hirozaku asks feeling a bit hostile towards the student council president. "No, please, you don't understand! Chiba-kun helped me carry these in here!" Yoshinaga says. "Hmm... very well. As long as he doesn't cause problems, then I have no quarrel with him. Though I wouldn't count on it." Maebara says. "You know, I'm right here, princess. And frankly, you're kinda getting on my last nerves." Hirozaku says as his fist rolls up into a ball. "U-umm... please... don't fight in the student council room." Yoshinaga begs. "Very well. But I have my eye on you, Chiba. I've seen your reports. You would be wise to stay on your toes." Maebara says. "And your high class ass is on thin ice." Hirozaku says as he leaves the room with Kap. "You really don't like her that much, do you?" Kap asks. "Bitch acts like she's on top of the world. Pisses me off." Hirozaku growls as he takes out a pair of airpods and puts them on. He taps away at his phone and plays Reach out to the truth with FamilyJules singing the song and then places the phone in his pocket. "Let's go." He says.

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