Mugs: oh I can I do it

Felix: certainly

Mugs grabbed the pieces and walked over to the ink machine putting them all together when he finished the machine started moving and making weird noises.

Felix: I think the ink illness is fixed

Y/n: really!?

Felix: I think but I'm not to sure?

Cups: well let's go back and find out

Bendy: we better of done it because I'm not going back

Boris: wait a min bendy are you feeling alright?

Bendy: yeah why?

Boris: I don't think you have the ink illness anymore

Bendy: oh yeah I don't cuz I HAVNT had one yet so I think the ink machine did work!


y/n: so what now?

Felix: now we gotta go back and tell everyone!

Cups: ugh but it's gonna take ages

CC: no worry I'll just call long horse

Cups: who's long horse?

Y/n: that horse that you just saw

Cups: oh yeah do that then

Y/n: wait you have a phone

CC: No I'll just call him

Y/n: ......

CC: just cover your ears and see

You all got confused but covered your ears anyway CC made a loud noise making birds start flying out of there trees we then saw something white and it was long horse he glued up to us and smiled.

Long horse: you need anything?

CC: yeah we need to go back to toon town(I'm just gonna call that)

Long horse: Alright then hop on all of you got on and flew up towards toon town

(Time skip)

You arrived and saw lots of people talking probably about the illness you thought long horse landed and you were a on stage the toon people looked where you s were and felix stepped near the microphone(whatever it's called)

Felix: umm everyone my name is felix the cat and we are the questers who found the ink machine and cured the illness there will no longer be people getting sick or dying people then started cheering and clapping felix smiled and walked up to you and the overs.

Mugs: so what now?

Y/n: let's go somewhere like a vacation you know to take a break

Cups: I would love that!

Bendy: yeah let's go on a plane

Felix: sure I'll go get some traveling tickets

CC: I'll come

Y/n: YAY I'm so excited

Bendy: Mr felix where we going exactly?

Felix: I'm not to sure maybe spane or Butlins but I promise we will go somewhere for 2 weeks

Boris: I can't wait!

Mugs: me too!

Cups: it is getting dark I think we'll talk about it in the morning

Bendy: yeah c'mon Boris see seeya and bye toots

Boris: bye

CC: maybe we should go to my dear

Y/n Ok bye guys see you in the morning

Cups: bye doll

Mugs: bye y/n

Felix: see you tomorrow

You and CC waved goodbye and went to Your house

Y/n: bye CC see you tomorrow You said hugging him

CC: I'll see you tomorrow my dear

you let go I'm waved closing the door and walking up to your room you walked over to your closet and tuck out your pj's  ( irl your wondering where p/n that means your dogs name she/he is at your brothers house) and put them on you yawned and went over to your or bed falling asleep.

(To be continued)

Cartoon cat x reader x Cuphead,bendy And Felix (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now