#taken away

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A police shot CC with a tazer making CC fall unconscious you screamed his name and fell on you'r knees and hugged him close the police that tazed him walked up to you and tried getting CC out of your embrace but all you was doing is keeping him close and pushing the cop away the cop brought backup and a van they pulled up and two cops grabbed you and took you to the police car you were struggling to get them of you but it made them grip you tighter making you yelp a bit you looked back and saw CC being staged by two other cops and threw him in the van you screamed for CC to wake up but he was still passed out there was also a helicopter filming the scene and putting it in the news the placed you in the back seat and drove of to the police station you felt tight for CC he is all over the news now and the'll probably take him to a zoo or circus or something worse you busted into tears and placed your hands in your eyes the cops didn't give two shits when you was crying.

(Time skip)

You arrived at the police station and the two cops dragged you to a room and slotted you down on a chair while they sat in the other they wanted two know what that big cat was and why was you keeping him and all of that shit I explained to them how I met him and me letting him stay with him even though he found a new abandoned building the police didn't really believe you so they just nodded,so if I'm not having CC back then what's gonna happen to him you though so you asked them.

Y/n: if I'm not gonna have him back then what's gonna happen to him?

Police: ther'e either gonna kill him or slave him for a circus or something we're not really sure what's gonna happen to.....him but I'm sure it's gonna be horrible.

Y/n: you looked at your knees and saw a few tears in your eyes you wiped them away and sat up from the chair you walked out of the station and though about CC all the way home you arrived at your house and was about to turn the handle but stopped WHAT am I doing why am I just pretending like nothings happened cartoon cat needs my help if he'll try to attack or kill one of them thell just taze him and kill him right at the spot or worse but I can't do it by my self I need to tell long horse and cartoon dog they don't even know about this cartoon dog would be so upset because it's he's brother I gotta go tell them know you thought so you turned around and ran to cartoon dogs territory it took you a while to get there but you didn't care you only care about cartoon cat's safety you arrived and went inside looking for cartoon dog you found him eating a human leg while long horse was curled up and asleep you thought it was cute but got snapped out of thought when you heard car toon dog speak.

CD: oh hey y/n how are you he looked at you with a goofy grin you thought it was pretty cute even tho he had blood on his teeth his smile dropped when he saw how tired and stressed you looked he walked over two you and placed his hand/paw on your shoulder and keeled down to your height.

CD: y/n what's wrong you don't look to good you looked over and saw long horse waking up and looking at you with a worried look.you cried and hugged cartoon dog he placed his chin on your head and rubbed circled around your back long horse joined the hug by rapping his long neck around you both for a hug it lasted for a minute and you finally calmed down you all let go and told them everything about Rebecca calling the police and CC locked away CD and long horses faces were in pure shock sadness and rage.

CD: were gonna help him no matter what he said with determination you and long horse agreed and cartoon dog walked towards you and picked you up placing you on long horses back cartoon dog holder your waist so you wouldn't fall and then you both flew in the sky's to go safe cartoon cat.

(Sorry if it was short)

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