One Direction~One Shots!

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It had been five months now since Liam ended the perfect relationship for no reason at all. The relationship I  couldn’t help but question about. Question what I did wrong, what went wrong, if he still loved me and here I  was, sitting alone in the snow, trying to camouflage in the cold weather as it blew against, trying to wipe away the memories of five months ago, as I watched enviously at the couples walking past as they smiled and walked on, hand in hand, kissing, snuggling, what me and Liam always did in this park, they smiled and walked on, hand in hand, kissing, snuggling, what me  and Liam always did in this park. the  tears slide down my  rosy cheeks and I  hastily wiped them away as I  felt the other side of the bench I was  sitting on weigh down.

Hello’ Came a familiar voice from across the bench.

‘Hi’, was all I could manage, and I didn’t dare look up so as to hide my tearsthey smiled and walked on, hand in hand, kissing, snuggling, what you and Liam always did in this parkcouldn’t help but question about. Question what you did wrong, what went wrong, if he still loved you

‘It’s a bit awkward isn’t it? Sitting here alone, watching the couples walk by and be the one percent that isn’t part of ninety-nine percent in this park who are kissing and walking in the park and all that’ the voice said

I found this awfully familiar, because I was the one who made this quote and I forever remembered it

‘I guess so…’ I replied  to the voice.

 ‘I was part of the ninety-nine percent once,’ the voice choked out.  

‘It’s alright,’ I tried to reassure it, not daring to look up or move closer towards it in case if something bad happened. I had to be a little careful. ‘What’s wrong?’ you ask, trying to reassure the voice.

 ‘I wouldn’t be in the one percent if I was still with my girlfriend, if I didn’t dump her for some stupid reason the voice’ (which now turned out to be a boy) broke off.

 ‘What was your girlfriend’s name?’  I asked randomly, hoping to God it would help this lonely stranger.

 ‘Maisae’ he replied and your heart skipped a beat as this was your name.

 ‘Tell me more,’ I whispered.

 ‘I dumped her because I thought she didn’t want me anymore, because I thought she had feelings for someone else, because I thought she wasn’t happy with me, because I thought she didn’t love me…’he said as if he prepared this sentence for a long time.

 Out of the corner of my eyes I could see him fish out his phone.

I just hope she still does he says and starts singing the song you’ve been avoiding for five months. ‘Girl I see it in your eyes you’re disappointed, cause I’m the foolish one that you anointed with your heart I tore it apart Can we fall, one more time, stop the tape and rewind, and if you walk away I know I’ll fail cause there is nobody else m It’s gotta be you, oh only you…’

My phone vibrated in your pocket. I took it out and had a new message; I pressed play, listening to Liam sing the song over the phone. I looked up to see Liam through a flood of tears, sitting a meter away from me and crying also. He leaned in and kissed me, the memories of the kisses flooding back again, the love I felt throughout it, the warmth and comfort of Liam Payne.

 ‘Liam I wasn’t falling for anyone but you!’ I gasped as you broke free, crying happy tears.

 ‘I was afraid that if I asked you back, I’d be rejected,’ Liam said.

 ‘No Liam I’d have taken you back straight away, I love you I said

, I love you too Maisae…’  He said and leaned in and kissed me once more, what I found different at this moment was why there weren’t any fans fan girling and screaming and all that at Liam. Then I remembered this was the spot me and Liam first met, the place that was so exclusive I could spend five minutes with Liam in public without being pulled away from him. The place you made the quote. The place where I fell in love with Liam Payne And suddenly, I wasn’t part of the one percent any more


Hope you liked this shot, my friend Sabiha came up with it, so thanks Sabiha!! please comment on it to tell me what you think of it and if I should carry on with it… ~Sunbal

One Direction~One Shots!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن