Hi, I'm Athena Lupin

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I'm eating grapes right now...
okay not the point but please look at the collage of pictures bc I need help finding a girl to sort of portray Athena Rose Lupin. All you need to do is comment the number of the girl you think best fits Athena and whichever number is frequently shown in the comments the most, will be the girl to I guess play Athena.

Chapter 3: Hi, I'm Athena Lupin
Athena's POV

Looking at my brother's face made me cover my giggles with my hand. It was priceless. The way he was stuck in between shock, surprise, relief, and a little bit of worry made him look all funny.
Getting over my giggle fit, I looked up to see Dumbledore at his podium, with a woman wearing green robes and a tight bun standing next to him. Next to her was a stool with a very worn out hat on top. Sighing, I strutted up to the professors, the many eyes following me, either with jealousy, lust, admiration, or disgust. It slightly bothered me.
"I guess it's time to be sorted, huh? Don't answer that." I said to a little girl who was about to speak to me.
I walked up the steps, finally sitting in the stool. Just as the sorting hat was about to hit my head, Professor McGonagall said, "This will be the sorting of Athena Rose Lupin." Soon after, the hat was on top of my head.
Ahhhh... what do we have here. Another Lupin I see. But your different. Very special indeed. Your intelligent, manipulative, brave, kind. All traits if the houses. But there's only one that fits you best. Just know that you rightfully belong in Ravenclaw. But do to your prophecy and the strong aura of mischief and bravery your path will be turned onto....

"GRYFINNDOR!" Confusion swirled in my mind after hearing I rightfully belong in Ravenclaw but I quickly shook it off.
Everyone stood up cheering. The Gryfinndor table making the most noise. I walked over to my brother with a grin on my face. His facial expression showed he was proud but his eyes held curiosity as to why I'm at Hogwarts. Opening my arms, he sighs and walks into them, squeezing me in the process.
"Remi... Can't. Breathe." I say. It wasn't his fault, he was just naturally really strong ever since the "accident".
"Oh. Sorry, Ena." He says. We turn to the three pair of eyes starring at us in shock. "Umm... Remus why are these people looking at me like that..." I trail off, purposely saying it loud enough for the three boys in front of me to hear. They shake their heads and we all sit down. "Oh! These are my three best mates." He says, a small amount of excitement hidden in his voice.
"P-p-peter P-pettigrew." A small, chubby boy with blue eyes stuttered out, hesitantly reaching out his hand for me to shake. I giggle at his nervousness, shaking his outstretched hand. "Sirius Black." A very attractive but conceited boy smirks and winks, taking my hand in his, kissing it in the process. I smirk. "Well aren't you quite the gentleman."I sarcastically say. Looking into his stunning eyes only allowed me to see a small piece of his ego break. Remus and the boy next to Sirius laugh at my remark.
The next boy though, caught me slightly off guard. He was a sight to see. Messy black hair that he nervously ran his hand through. Mesmerizing hazel eyes hidden behind his glasses. Perfect jawline. Beautifully built body. Tall. And he hand the perfect smile.
We stared at each other for a few seconds before Remus finally got fed up when the boy didn't introduce himself.
"And this is James." He coughed.
"James" shook his head slightly, as if to stop his train of thoughts. "Sorry. James Potter." He took my hand in his, shaking it very lightly, a cute lopsided smile on his amazing face. I smiled lightly at him, the smallest tint of a blush rising on my naturally light pink cheeks.
I giggled, finally introducing myself.
"Hi, I'm Athena Lupin."

-CLOSED! Number 2 won-

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