Detention With James Pt. 2

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Chapter 9: Detention With James Pt. 2

Athena's POV

Walking through the halls, I lead the way to the detention room, pondering topics of conversation.

"Why so quiet?" James asks.

I spin around, now walking backwards but facing him. "I have an idea..." I smirk. As we enter the detention room, I pause at the doorway, raising my hands and doing a nonverbal spell to clean the room.

I walk further in to the room and sit on professor's desk, bringing my right leg up and leaning back slightly. Looking at James, his eyes are wide and a tad fearful.

I smile in amusement. "Potter?" I question.

"You're not supposed to use m-magic..." He stutters. I laugh lightly, tossing my head back and sighing. "Minerva won't know, I promise. Now come, sit."

James hesitates for a second, but moves with confidence once he's reassured we wouldn't get caught.

"So you had an idea." He repeats. I nod, a tiny grin sprouting on my face. Jumping off the desk, I strut towards him, leaning in front of his desk with an innocent look.

"Double Dare."

"That's it? Oh c'mon!" He exclaims with a neutral aura surrounding him. I push that aside and widen my grin.

"Oh no, hun. You haven't played Double Dare with me. I am Double Dare legend!" I pronounce proudly. James chuckles, shaking his head in disagreement.

" I say that's not true. I think I am Double Dare legend."

I narrow my brows and squint my eyes, leaning in to his face. "I Double Dare you to walk around this whole room 5 times." I smirk.

"Pft... easy!" He stands.

"On your hands!" I exclaim.

He slowly turns around, a quick nervous feeling emitted off of him. "If you can't complete the dare, then you'll have to let me do your makeup."

"Woah! Hold on, if I'm going to be punished why shouldn't you be punished, too!" He raises his voice. I laugh loudly, my smirk widening into a grin. "I double dare you to eat a piece of rat poop." James crosses his arms in cockiness. "Deal." I say, quickly recalling a trick up my sleeve.

As he began, I conjured a a tiny raisin that could easily be mistaken for rat poop. He ended up falling over halfway through his first round. I grin evilly, eating the "rat poop" and  conjuring my makeup bag. "Oh you poor thing." I fake pout as he huffs, stomping his way over to me.

  I begin with his eyes, taking a blue shadow, smoking it out with black. Taking a black eyeliner pencil, I draw a small dot on the top corner of his lips. Finally, red lipstick. "Oh, Potter! You're so 1920's!" I exclaim in laughter. I hold up a compact to his face, a horrified aura surrounding the us.

He glares as I spray my mouth with breath freshener to "mask the smell of poop. "How!?"He questions aggressively. I keep my face straight as I shrug. "Next Double Dare!"

  We go on daring each other, James losing every time, until it was time for dinner.

I thank you all for your patience like srsly! As most of you know, this was the missing ch. that I had to rewrite so I don't consider it an update. Next one though will be legendary💪🏼💪🏼

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