Chapter 1: Lord Dextrus

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The sun was barely out when a knock came on the door. I was up and so was my brother and father. My brother, Dolan, was still in bed though he wasn't sleeping while my father was seated at his usual spot. He sat by the window everyday watching the sun come out and go in. I loved to see the sun rise as well but not set. I stood by a window beside the door, it was directly opposite my father's.
I opened the door to see a man standing quietly outside with his hands behind his back. He was dressed elegantly and with his black uniform with some stars on it you could tell at once that he was a soldier. I stared up at him in surprise as soon as I saw him. Never once has a soldier come to knock on our door for any reason.

He was so tall and his broad figure was hovering right over me as he stood in front of me. Neither of us spoke for a few seconds maybe minutes as I was too surprised to and he seemed too proud to. He sent me a tiny smile just then I took notice of his face. He had very tiny eyes that were pushed inside his face. He had a long black hair perhaps shoulder level that was tied into a bun. He had bright red lips and his blue eyes made them shine brighter. His lips were slightly thick and his bunny ears looked bigger as he hair was up.

"Lord Dextrus!" Exclaimed I. The words were too quick to escape my lips that I doubted it was me who said it.

"Now that you are done staring could you please let me in!" He said lowly but with pride. It was obvious that he did not just wear the elegant uniform, he had a bit of pride too. It truly was Lord Dextrus. Proud and mighty, head soldier of the great Domidus. I have never seen him till this day_only heard of him from other girls whose fathers are soldiers and have had the privilege of meeting him or at least seeing him.

"Your Lord Sir!" I said genuflecting nervously taking my right heel backwards a bit as a sign of respect. "Please come in." Said I leaving the door for him to come in.
  He stood a few meters from me and waited as I closed the door. I turned round to face his huge broad back. His eyes were scanning through the big living room that was completely empty. The only chair there was the one papa sat on. It was an old chair made of wood.
  I took him to papa before telling him the visitor was here for him, "papa? Lord Dextrus is here to see you!" Said I touching him lightly on the shoulder. Whether he was awake or not I didn't know_he gave me no sign to show that he heard. Papa hardly slept so I know he heard me.

I excused myself from the soldier and went to the library to get him a seat. The same kind as papa's but a bit newer.

"I see you have not changed!" I heard him say as I brought the chair out. Still Papa didn't move or reply. I placed the seat beside papa from the right a little too close so he could hear when Papa talks. Papa wasn't much of a talker.

"I would make you some coffee!" Announced I with a slight genuflect.

"There won't be any need for that!" Warned he stretching his left hand in disagreement to my statement. "I don't intend to spend the whole day here!" Said he, pride rising up with the speech. I turned round and left but stayed at the library door just to hear their conversation. I know it is wrong but Papa barely had visitors and he barely talked to us about anything at all.

"You have grown old and weak. It is so unlike you. The strong and fierce soldier now sits at a corner in his house!" Said Lord Dextrus with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Have you come here to mock me!" Asked Papa quietly_I barely heard him so I had to press my ear against the wall to hear him clearly.

"Why would I?" Asked Lord Dextrus with a very loud laugh that echoed in the empty room. "You have waxed old! You let yourself to be eaten up by some memories. Things happen in the battle field! The King has requested your presence this evening."

"I cannot come, I swore an oath!"

"To whom?" Said Lord Dextrus raising his voice a bit.

"To myself!" Papa muttered.

"Do not let old things weigh you down!"

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