Chapter 2: Insecurity

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A ray of light leaks through the curtains and attacks Mew's eye lids. He turned his body just to realize he was not alone in the bed. He smiled relieving because of how liberated he felt. After years of constant struggle and rejection, finally here he was, waking up right beside someone whom he could call his, 'boyfriend'.

Before, he opens his eyes, a soft hand clasp his face. "Good morning" he heard and felt a peek in his lips. He wrapped his arms around a soft waist, which belonged to his beloved Gulf, as though he was claiming ownership over him.

"Did you sleep well? " He asks finally opening his eyes to meet his bright-eyed boyfriend.

"It's alright...except for the uncomfortable pain I have on my back". said Gulf, sounding a little shy.

"You need a hot shower." He replied waking up, giving a kiss on those soft cheeks and went inside the washroom. He wanted to try his best in caring for the man he adored. "Gulf, do you want me to take a towel inside?" A moment later he came out waving his toothbrush around.

"That'd be nice". Gulf agreed. He was still in bed, watching Mew walk around restlessly and brushing teeth all at once. Gulf could see the good intent behind Mew's activity. He could tell he was trying to help him in every possible way he could. He wished to always remember his Mew like this—lively and happy. It was not the actor Mew Suppasit that everyone knows but he was his boyfriend.

" Will you be okay? " Mew ask worried, distracting him from the thought.

"Yeah". he said, and leaned back, smirking, " I just need to get adjusted to your cuteness".

Mew smiled, tossing the toothbrush aside and delightedly rushed to him. "Don't make me fall too hard for you, Gulf", he said gently pushing his front hair.

"Fine, fine... Now let me take the shower". Gulf said pressing his forehead to his, trying to hide the blushes growing in his cheeks. It was surreal how nervous he became in front of the man he adored.

"I'll see you at the breakfast table". He said rubbing his back as Gulf sat up and slipped into his slippers and walked into the bathroom.


Gulf lost track of his time while in the shower, perhaps, he got too comfortable with the hot water. But he realized he was running late when he heard Mew calling him repeatedly from the kitchen table. He then hurried himself to the kitchen.

"Sorry" Gulf said as he sat down on the table.

"It's okay" he replied, "You awfully took a long time. I didn't know what you like but the other day we had bread and egg so... ", as Mew spoke, Gulf looked at the table, fully satisfied. It was cheese grilled sandwich and omelette, his usual breakfast.

" If I'm not at home, these are the usual I have... I'll have the milk first" Gulf said taking the drink from the glass already poured for him while Mew smiled at him in a nice way.

"Don't just smile but eat". said Gulf taking the sandwich next as the immense care and attention overwhelmed him.

" I'm just taking some time to appreciate the moment. It'll take a while for me to fully get used to this..." Mew replied. But before he finished, a call interrupted. It took him about five minutes to talk, long enough for Gulf to finish his breakfast.

"That was Director Tee, " said Mew cutting the call, "they want us today by ten... says we need to shoot some scenes today. "

"Ah, it's already past nine... it's going to be a long day." sighed Gulf messing his hair up. "But the good thing is,we'll be working together. "

Strangers to Us: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now