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Do you realize that there are plenty of shoes?
Is it just one color or there are plenty of hues?
Some may think they're on top,
Can they try the other pair of shoe or not?
Realize that a shoe has a pair,
If the other one is a male
Must—the other one shall be a female.
Imagine, your left foot is wearing a shoe that is meant for the right,
Nothing left to wear because of the non-existence of the other—it might.
All—any gender has different roles in life,
There may some that are not good for your sight,
Inside, we all have different insights,
On the other hand, we are all equal, no need to fight,
Nothing shall break the equality of the genders, alright?


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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