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Never once did I think I'd experience what Spencer experienced with Cat.

Until I found myself sitting across from Jake Goods. My ex from 11 years ago.

He was toxic and an expert in gaslighting.

If I ever thought I'd see him again, it was never like this.

--------------------------this morning

As soon as I got to my office I settled down, as there wasn't a case today I'd probably just be attending to case files that need the big "Directors signature of approval" which isn't really a thing.

As I was about to lay my pen down when I got the call I wanted today.

"Hey Pen what's up"

"Case. Briefing room immediately."

"Okay...be right there"

She sounded serious, and you know Garcia is never serious.

I flew down the stairs to the BAU. Seeing all my team through the briefing windows discussing what looked like they didn't want me to hear.

"What's going on"

"Sit down" Hotch called out. "Madeline do you remember Jake Goods?"

"I do"

"You were in a relationship with him right?" Spencer asked

"Yeah" I swallowed

"He kidnapped this little girl 3 hours ago in New york city. He hid her, and turned himself in. He says he'll only tell you where she is."

"Agent Roberts, you know how time sensitive these cases are, now I need you to answer me. Are you capable of doing this?" Hotch questioned

"Yes" I knew that little girl was somewhere awful, and I needed to do whatever I could to help her.

"Wheels up in 5."

I went down to Spencer's desk, him following after.



"Are you sure you want to do this"

"Spence, there's a little girl out there in the dark all alone, I need to do whatever I can to help. I don't care if it's not in my comfort zone"

"Okay. Hey, I'm here the whole way I need you to know that"

"Oh I do pretty boy"

We got to the jet to review the case and head to NYC.

"Victim is- oh my god" Prentiss stopped herself

"What" I asked

Hotch cleared his throat and spoke "The victim's name is Madeline Robertson. Robertson not Roberts"

"Oh my god" I said looking at a picture of the girl I almost shared an identical name with. She had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and looked around 9.

"We think he took her because the name"

"Garcia how many Madeline Roberts or Robertson are in New york?" Spencer questioned

"Uh 12, but she's the youngest, the rest are 18 and up"

"Wait who even is this guy" Morgan asked

I realized I only told Hotch and Spencer about him, I began to speak "Jake Goods, I dated him around 11 years ago. I dated him in the academy and a bit after. He wasn't training to be an agent but he was very supportive. When I got my job in the unit we decided to live together in an apartment in D.C. After about a month of living together I started noticing red flags, he wouldn't let me hang out with my the boys" I said pointing at Morgan and Spencer

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