internal fire

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authors note: diane guerrero is who i imagine madeline looking like so there's gonna be pics of her as the story picture. Hope you like her as this!

-Spencer's Pov-

When Madeline walked in all I could think was how good she looked in purple. She hardly ever wore it and the rare times she did she looked amazing. 

"Damn" I whispered

"What man?" Morgan asked 

"Madeline looks good, like really good"

"Oh lover boy look at the shades of purple you two pretties are wearing"

"Well I see what you did Morgan." I continued to complement her "She seriously looks beautiful"

-Madeline Pov-

"SHUT UP he said that??" I questioned

"Yes maddy he did" Morgan explained

"He called me beautiful at the bar but I didn't know all that"

"Well looks like pretty boy likes you in purple" We arrived to my apartment. Morgan walked me up and made sure I was okay and left. 

I showered and settled down in bed when I got that text from Emily saying how I danced on Spencer. I wanted to apologize so I did. 

                                                          hey spence, sorry about the whole 
                                               dancing thing and the nip slip in the car 
oh it's fine. the dancing was 
funny, and I didn't see the nip


How's the drunk treating you? 
                                                                             I could use chinese food

                                                               I'll probably order some to my                                                                                                      apartment

no need to it's on the way
your typical order its paid for
                                                                                   how did you know?
Madeline I was with you the 
first night you got drunk that was 
the first thing you requested 
                                                               Oh okay well thanks spence
of course mads goodnight pretty girl
                                                                           goodnight pretty boy 

 He was the sweetest. I had my food and went to sleep 


2 days later 

I woke up this morning because of a call from Penelope

"Maddy you guys have a case, Serial Arsonist, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Go straight to the jet he's on a spree so no time to brief at the BAU you guys are leaving in 30 bye"

I got ready in 5 minutes. Serial arsonist cases were always awful and effected me a lot. My grandparents were killed because of arson. My dad worked their case and that's how he met my mom. Hotch always told me to take it easy when it came to arson cases of course, I never did. 

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