⭐️Story Suits Part Two: "Cloud Realm"☁️

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Main Suits:

Daymare Fairy Tale: "So two girls and a cat started the Journey

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Daymare Fairy Tale: "So two girls and a cat started the Journey. Star Sea dress was dazzling. The theft made the trip not dull."

Beyond the Dream:

Beyond the Dream:

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Glorious Chapter: "All crisis on the Journey can become a strength

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Glorious Chapter: "All crisis on the Journey can become a strength. The glimmers into bright lights. Like reborn in life."

Beyond the Dream:

Beyond the Dream:

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Aster Guardian: "Ace is like a carefree night wind with stars on the shoulder

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Aster Guardian: "Ace is like a carefree night wind with stars on the shoulder. The symbol of justice poets praise about!"

Beyond the Dream:

Beyond the Dream:

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World in Dream: "Nikki wiped her tears and decided to stop crying

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World in Dream: "Nikki wiped her tears and decided to stop crying. This long and sad thought will be her strength and courage!"

Beyond the Dream:

Beyond the Dream:

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Minor Suits:

Dark Tide at Night: "In order to track the dangerous sniper 'Shade', Orlando and Sofia regained the stolen White Blossom at dinner

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Dark Tide at Night: "In order to track the dangerous sniper 'Shade', Orlando and Sofia regained the stolen White Blossom at dinner."


Spring Wind: "Lovers fight sometimes but as long as they are willing to communicate the rain will give birth to a rainbow

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Spring Wind: "Lovers fight sometimes but as long as they are willing to communicate the rain will give birth to a rainbow."


Flowers in the Wildness: " The wasteland has always been linked to the mystery

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Flowers in the Wildness: " The wasteland has always been linked to the mystery. There someone can hear the wind whispers and stars' murmurs."


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