In Trouble

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Y/n's POV
Chan: Guys JB is outside!
Jisung: What?! He ran to the room and got his gun. I put a few daggers up my jean legs.
JB: Open the door, I know Y/n is in there. He kicked the door down. Chan, who was behind it, fell back and the door fell on his leg.
Jisung: Jeongin and Seungmin, take Y/n to the basement until we kill him. He whispered as they nodded.
Jeongin: Come on, Y/n. He gently grabbed my wrist.
Y/n: No I'm staying here and helping fight.
Seungmin: No you're not. He picked me up and carried me to the basement.
Y/n: Great, now I can't help.
Jisung's POV
JB: Aw Chan, I'm sorry. No actually I'm not. He stepped on the door and pushed it onto Chan's leg more. Now who do we have left? Minho, Changbin, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Felix. This should be easy. He walked to Hyunjin.
Hyunjin: Back up. He said as he put a gun to JB's chest.
JB: Aww you think that scared me. He pulled a knife out of his pocket. Tell me does it He said as he stabbed Hyunjin's arm. Hyunjin screamed and looked at him.
Hyunjin: You fucking bitch! He tried to punch JB but he moved back and dodged it.
JB: You're quick but not quick enough. He grabbed Hyunjin's collar and threw him into the wall by the door. Have fun with your leader.
Chan: Fuck, Hyunjin wake up.
JB: Who's next? He walked around and pulled Changbin back by his collar. You seem fun to play with. He tried to grab JB's arm but he yanked it away.
Changbin: Let me go! JB grabbed his hair and they started fighting. All you could hear was grunting. JB kicked Changbin hard in the stomach and he got off of him.
JB: Nice try. He kicked him harder and he fell on top of Chan.
Chan: OW!
Hyunjin: I'm awake.
JB: I've missed you, Minho. He kicked his face and pushed him with the rest of them. Felix is going to be fun.
Felix: Because I put up a fight like Changbin?
JB: Exactly. Felix hit him in the head with his gun and he staggered a bit. Ouch, that was hard.
Felix: That was the point. He threw him into the wall and JB groaned.
JB: That fucking hurt. He kicked Felix's leg and made him fall backwards.
Felix: Ow I hurt my wrist. JB kicked him in the face and sat him on Chan's waist.
JB: Now, your turn. He said as he faced me. I held my gun up and stepped back.
Jisung: Get the hell away. You want Y/n but you won't ever get her back.
JB: I beg to differ. He kicked the gun out of my hand. I flinched as he held his gun up to me. Give her back and I won't shoot you.
Jisung: You can't shoot me anyways. I said as I grabbed his gun and shot his arm.
JB: Mm fuck. Damn Jisung and just when I thought you were weak.
Jisung: I'm not weak and I'll never be weak. I was about to shoot him when Y/n, Seungmin, and Jeongin came back.
JB: I forgot about you two. He ripped some of his shirt off and wrapped it around his wound.
Jeongin: Y/nnn come back here.
Y/n: No.
Seungmin: I told you we should've chained her to the wall.
Y/n: Bitch-
Chan: Hey. Don't cuss at them.
JB: Can you guys get back on subject? God y'all are annoying. He kicked Jeongin and Seungmin to Chan.
Jeongin: Oh my god are you okay? He asked as he and Changbin picked the door up.
JB: You know you've missed me, Y/n. Just come back to me.
Y/n: Never.
Jisung: Just back up.
JB: No can do, Sungie. He walked up to Y/n and pulled a dagger out of her jeans. You need to find a better hiding spot for these. He said as he cut her forearm. She gasped and pulled it away. You know you're used to this. He stabbed her thigh and she bit her lip to not scream.
Jisung: Get away from her! I shot at his leg but he moved and it hit Y/n. Shit I'm sorry.
Y/n: Great aim.
Jisung: He moved! He turned to look at her and I shot his neck. He grabbed it.
JB: Ow you little bitch. He grabbed the gun and pinned my arms behind my back while holding a dagger to my throat. If you fucking move, I'll slit your throat open and watch your blood come out of your neck. Now Y/n, come back to me and he doesn't get hurt.
Y/n: Nope. She grabbed a dagger and threw it. It hit his shoulder and he pushed me away.
JB: Damn, you still have amazing aim.
Y/n: Mm whatever. Jisung catch. She threw my gun at me and I shot his legs. He fell on the floor and looked at us.
JB: Well aren't you two just the perfect fucking team? You're going to regret this.
Jisung: I only regret killing if I kill someone innocent. You're not innocent. Lim Jaebeom, you have abused this girl and mentally tortured her for years. Any last words? He chuckled.
JB: See you all in hell.
Y/n: You're the only one going to hell. I shot him in the head and Y/n quickly moved out of the way. He fell backwards, his blood now painting the white walls and tile floors a shade of crimson. Good job.
Jisung: Thanks. You too. We went to the guys and helped Chan up.
Seungmin: Y/n you're bleeding.
Y/n: I'm fine, is Chan okay?
Minho: He'll be fine. I hope. I quickly bandaged everyone who had cuts and took Chan to the hospital. A nurse took him to the back so we waited for him in the waiting area.
Jisung: Hey Y/n can I talk to you? She nodded and we went to a little garden they had outside. I sat on a bench and she sat next to me. I really like you, Y/n. And I should've realized it earlier but I didn't. I'm sorry I was so rude to you at first but it was just my mind pushing my feelings away.
Y/n: It's okay Sung, I forgive you. I really like you, too. She smiled. I smiled, too, before leaning in and kissing her softly.

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