Untouched And Unchanged

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Very soon it is going to end,
Very quickly it is to start.
Gone will be the pandemic cause,
Life will restart after this pause.

Very soon the roads will be blocked,
Here and there few people locked.
Temples, mosques and churches will reopen,
The pools and bars, gyms and schools will reopen.

Once again the game of chess will be on,
Over one the cheat and fraud will be on.
The king is going to be patient,
While the queen will play as an agent.

Nothing has changed nor will change,
Be it lockdown, sealdown or any down.
For they are already down and down,
In their character down and down.

Dedicated to such untouched and unchanged crowd.

Thala Abhimanyu Kumar

Dated: 31/07/2020

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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