Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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5 Years Later.....

Hakeem: The prince has returned. (Walking into Luscious house)

Ms. Juanita: Well it's good to have you home.

Hakeem: Hey Ms. Juanita.(hugging her) Is my pops around?

Ms. Juanita: No, but you're mother is in the living room.

Hakeem walked into the living and scared the living daylights of Cookie.

Cookie: What The Hell! (Turns Around) My Baby! (Hugs him) I have missed you. (Squeezing him tighter)(slaps the back of his head)

Hakeem: Ouch. Ma what was that for?

Cookie: That was for you leaving and not contacting anyone in five years. (Sits on the couch)

Hakeem: Excuse me if I wanted a change. (Sits on the couch) How's everyone doing?

Cookie: Everyone is doing good, but you would know that if you would have been staying in contact. (Rolls her eyes)

Hakeem: (sighs) Ma I'm sorry, dang.

Cookie: Boooyy. (Points her finger)

Hakeem: So you and pops a thing now?

Cookie: Yes me and your father are a thing now.

Hakeem: (mutters to hisself) I wonder how long that will last. So everyone is doing good?

Cookie: Yes.

Hakeem: So "everyone" is doing good?

Cookie: Boy how many times do I have to say yes? want to know if Tiana is doing good.

Hakeem: Naw. I'm not worried about her.

Cookie: Oh please. For your information Tiana is doing great. She did get engaged last year.

Hakeem: She's engaged?!

Cookie: (chuckles) You said upset.

Hakeem: I'm not.

Cookie: Well the engagement got broken off. She's still at Empire and I think she was going to be in the studio with Mal. I'm just saying. (Sips her tea) But you would have known that if (gco)

Hakeem: If I stayed in contact. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to Empire to see pops.

Cookie: You sure you're not going to see someone else?

Hakeem: Ain't nobody worried about that girl ma. (Stands ups)

Cookie: Mhmmm.

At Empire.......

Becky: You know we have to do this girls night out.

Porsha: Im all for it, but is Tiana for it. You know she haven't been social since her engagement was called off.

Becky: And we'll get her back social. Introduce her to some new penis and that will cure everything.

Hakeem: What's up ladies? (Walking into the studio)

Becky:'re back.

Hakeem: You sounding surprised.

Becky: I am because no one has heard from you in over five years. It's good that you're here visiting.

Hakeem: I'm not visiting, I'm actually moving back to the NYC.

Porsha: Does that mean you're coming back to Empire?

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