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Your phone alarm had just gone off and you stretched your arm out of the blanket in an attempt to turn it off. Usually, you could find the source of the alarm sound without looking but for some reason, your phone wasn't where it should have been that day. You opened your eyes and squinted a little to find it and finally turned the alarm off. 

Feeling still a little tired, you decided to lay in bed just a bit more before stretching and getting out of bed. 

You made your way to the kitchen to make breakfast for yourself. However, since you were up late the night before for your assignment, you let yourself sit at your dining table, eyes closed until you've decided that you were awake enough to make food. 

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

A very familiar, rhythmic beeping sounds came out of the blue, which instantly woke you up and made you feel alert - it was the sound of the keypad to your door.

'This early?' you thought, turning towards the front door. 'Please don't let it be...'

"Good morning (Y/N)! I bought food for you! Have you eaten breakfast yet?" came a high toned male voice which startled you. You let out a sigh.

"Oh my gosh Johnny. You surprised me!"

The male gave you the biggest grin ever as he took his shoes off and walked into the kitchen, his hand carrying a plastic bag. You smiled back, happy to see your best friend first thing in the morning.

"Well, I just thought that it would be nice to have some nice food brought right to someone's doorstep first thing in the morning, especially after knowing that they spent the whole night working.' said Johnny, taking a box out of the plastic bag. " And I hope you like pancakes!" he said as he took pancakes out of the box and placed it into one plate carefully, then the other. "I heard this place sells the best pancakes at the moment so I HAD to get it so that we could try it together."

You watched as he brought 2 plates of pancakes to the table.

"What do you say? It looks incredible right?" he said again as he settled down in front of you, his sparkly eyes looked directly into yours, anticipating.

"Ooh.. Not bad Johnny. It looks great!" you commented, moving closer to the pancakes to take a proper look at them. "I think this would taste GREAT with coffee.' 

"That is EXACTLY what I thought so I also bought their coffee!" Johnny stood up again to get 2 cups of coffee from the plastic bag."And of course I got your favourite kind too. I did well right?" he said as he put the cups down and looked at you with his raised eyebrows. Obviously, he's fishing for compliments.

"Yes yes Johnny. You did great! I'm really touched. Thank you so much!" you said, taking the hint, with your hands clasped in front of you and bowing a little to show him your gratitude.

"Yeah, I know." the male nodded a little in agreement with a proud look on his face. "Now let's eat! You'll love these pancakes for sure." 


Hi hi!

Yes, it is me and i am back because i am in the midst of my summer break right now. This was written because this big boi wouldn't get out of my headspace so here I am making a quick fanfic for him. I haven't written in so long and I truly missed it! T-T I feel so good rn! xD

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my fanfic and please leave a comment if there's anything that you might want to say.

Also, I'm hoping that no sasaengs (or future sasaengs) are here to fuel their dreams and goals because my fanfics are NOT made for that purpose. SASAENGS PLEASE LEAVE THE BOIS (and literally every idols) ALONE. Or Doyoung (or Yuta) might punch you dead one day.

Have a nice day! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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