Episode 15

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For this plan to work I need my theory to be correct, about Summer's death. I also need those people to agree with me to help.

Me: 'Let's hope the phantom thieves agree to lend their leader and two other people over, this would mess up my hole plane otherwise. I should meet up with Ruby she wanted to see me.'

I get off of my bed and get dressed to meet up with Ruby.

Me: "Hey Ruby."

Ruby: "Hey Y/N."

Me: "So where did you want to go?" 'Not that I don't already know. I know that Summer's alive... but where? I'd guess Salem's lair.'

Ruby: "We're going to see my mum."

Me: "Ok then, let's get going then."

Time skip to after Ruby's speech because I the author am to lazy to type that, also cause Petite Quiches are nice and they're about to be ready... speak of the devil.

Tai: "So you're Ruby's boyfriend now?"

Me: "Yes, I'm going to guess you're going to give me the dad talk?"

Tai: "Nah, I'm cool with it as long as you don't hurt her."

Me: "I promise you I won't hurt her as long I live."

Tai: "Ok then let's get you two back to beacon."

Time skip to RWBY's fight

Port: "Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?"

Oobleck: "Doctor. And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four round of the tournament!"

Port: "For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal festival tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum!"

Port: "If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules."

Oobleck: "The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds; teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being tested... is skill."

Port: "Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!"

Oobleck: "And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!"

Port: "Ahh, and why would they? Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon, and Team ABRN, of Haven."

Me and my Team run up to Team RWBY.

Me: "Good job guys!"

Ruby: "WE DID IIIIIII- is anyone else hungry?"

Kira: "ME!"

DICE (without Kira): "Of course you are..."

Weiss: "Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh, wait."

Ruby: "It's okay, Weiss, I forget about the fairgrounds, too."

Weiss: "I was being facetious?"

Ruby: "Gah! Well if you were hungry, why didn't you say so!?"

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