Eugene Gale

501 33 1

I looked exactly like a target.

Adopting the cold, malicious stare Myles always wore in a fight, I gazed at myself in the mirror again. My amber eyes didn't quite make the look as intimidating as my brother's dark gold ones, but it would have to do. 

I leaned lazily to one side. It worked to serve a double purpose, both concealing my true gender and giving off an air of arrogance.

My inner self frowned judgmentally, whispering that I looked like a cat trying to pass as a tiger.

"This should be fine," I told my reflection, changing my voice into the monotone that I had practiced over and over for the past few months.

"This is fine." My confidence swelled as I warmed up to my new voice. Then I exited back into the hallway, heading towards the teacher's office. From my position, I could hear two males speaking. One voice was cold and monotone, the other sounding like a friendly but geeky guy. Perhaps they were two teachers setting up some lessons.

But as I walked closer, I realized that their voices were a bit too high-pitched to belong to a teacher. Well, the second guy's, anyways. The first guy's voice was an impenetrable mask, never giving any clue to his identity or emotions.

I would have to assess them from afar first.

I closed my eyes, visualizing a snowcapped mountain range illuminated by a sky of brilliant stars. My footsteps quieted, fading into the background until I was sure they would be inaudible to the animated pair. After a few seconds of staying silent, I stalked towards the corner.

Then I stopped and peered around the corner, measuring my position carefully. My eyes found only the blurry silhouettes of two figures in the window. Tilting my head, I tried again--just in time to see a flicker of an image before the light shifted. 

It was a strange pair, and an unlikely one at that. But beyond the surface, I felt a danger that pulsed ominously, almost like a ticking bomb.


"Who are you? I haven't seen you around Eunjang before."

White Mamba had spotted me standing silently at the corner, acting like a stalker who, for some reason, was interested in a window. I froze, my mind frantically searching for a way to answer the question. I definitely couldn't answer with the truth—they would either take me for a lunatic or an extreme radical. Probably both.

I could sense their eyes looking me up and down as I struggled for an answer. The guy with rumpled dark hair and glasses looked at me as if I were some curious phenomenon, while White Mamba assessed me with that cool, unconcerned stare of his. I forced out the answer my false identity would give, carefully modeling my voice into the monotone that I knew so well.

"I'm Andrew Seon. I recently transferred here."

"Oh!" The dark-haired guy seemed almost relieved, a tense smile breaking out across his features. White Mamba was as expressionless as always. But in those violet eyes, I saw a brief flash of emotion. It was fleeting, but it was there. Was it curiosity? Dare I say, interest?

The dark-haired guy began to pace, fidgeting with his thumbs. 

"Well, I'm Eugene Gale, and this- "He turned his gaze to White Mamba, then back to me "-is Gray Yeon."

"Hi." White Mamba said. His face was still unreadable, his eyes cold. Perhaps he was only being polite. I didn't blame him. 

"Uh, hey." I managed a small, awkward wave. It was frustrating, how being so up close and personal to White Mamba unnerved me. What was more irritating was that I couldn't place the reason why. I pushed the nagging sensation away to deal with later.

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