I turned quickly on my heels ran towards my bedroom down the hall, slamming door behind me. I just cant believe gran was leaving me after everything, gran was the only one she could count on.

Her sister blocked her out and pretended like nothing had happened, she went on with her life, it only seemed like her and gran were the ones who had to face the day to day difficulty without them being there anymore.

As I paced the room I walked towards the full length mirror staring back at the reflection that faced me. I had always been odd one out of all the girls in my family, I was short, slightly large chested and definitely not thin and graceful like my mother and sister.

I envied their looks to my core; they had gotten all the looks in the family. The only thing that made me look remotely part of the family was the long firey red hair that hung from my head in waves that met the middle of my back, 'just like my mothers' I said aloud to myself.

I knew I wasn't the most beautiful girl but I didn't feel ugly either at least not from the shoulders up. I have a heart shaped faced that almost seemed childlike and although I had red hair, my face was unmarked with freckles and for that I was glad of.

It was bad enough in school that they used to make fun of me for the colour of hair. I  stared at the bright teal coloured eyes that looked back menacingly to me in the mirror, I sighed deeply.

I just stood out like a sore thumb but could bear to dye out the colour of my hair something that would make her stand out a little less defiantly. But my hair colour the last thing that reminded her that she was in fact her mother’s daughter.

I jumped suddenly startled when I heard a quiet knock on the bedroom door. "Come in" i said just as the door creaked slowly open to show her sister standing in the door way.

Jessica was beautiful. There was no doubt about it. She had long almost sun bleached blonde hair that reached down to the middle of her back. She had a tall model like figure just like their mother had, once had. Her piercing blue eyes followed Amber to the mirror she had been standing at.

As Jessica walked gracefully into the room she sat on the corner of the old creaky bed, She stalled for a moment before staring right into Amber with those blue eyes. "Why do you have to be so selfish?" she questioned Amber. "Can't you just let her go into the home?" her voice rising an Octave higher than usual. "You know as well as I do she needs someone who can afford to manage her health problems." she said it a tight voice.

"Did you just come in here to say something else or are you done?" I said flatly. "I'm out of here, you're just an ungrateful brat" Jessica shouted as she quickly made her way out of the room. Lingering just a second more, before slamming the door wobbly behind her.

I exhaled loudly she don't know how much longer I could put up with my sister being like that, let alone having to share the house with just her when gran left.

The next morning I woke up late to the sound of a screeching alarm clock, I never usually slept in too long but it had taken me a while to fall asleep last night. As it struck 12.30am she made herself swing her legs from the bed and stumble towards the kitchen in her pyjamas.

Just as she reached the kitchen she saw two men carrying boxes from the room down the hall which was just off from the kitchen.

I felt myself race down to the end room to find gran sitting on the end of the bed. As I slowed down i began to walk towards the elderly woman i noticed that she had been holding a dark oak box. As Amber silently approached her grandmother, and began to notice scrawls of symbols dug deep into the top of the box.

From closer view beside the bed She had begun to realise that the symbols had been obviously been burned onto the top of the box.

From just the quick look she couldn't make out what it meant, she wish she had the chance to sit down and study it. i swiftly sat beside gran, trying not to disturb the elderly woman.

She jumped slightly with surprise "Oh its only you dear, I didn't hear to come in!" rasped the elderly woman.

"Oh gran you know I'm going to miss you when you leave.." Amber replied teary eyed.

"I know dear but it’s for the best... here I want you to have this. Slowly handing amber the box carefully. "You mustn't open it until you're 16th birthday, I don't think you could handle what the box holds before then." she stated in a wheezy voice.

I want you to promise me, promise me you'll keep it closed until then!" gran whispered loudly and forcefully into Ambers ear, making herself sure the young girl heard her.

"Yes gran" replied I replied slowly, "it was your mothers" the woman said as she wistfully looked out the window.

Just as Amber took the box that her gran had held out for her, a man cleared his throat in the doorway.

Startled they both looked up as the man began to speak. "Sorry to interrupt ladies but Helen its time to leave, were all finished up with your things and you want to get to the home before lunch time."

"Yes, sorry" replied gran as she got up from the bed and began to walk towards the hall just as Jessica appeared. She swung her arms around the old woman who gratefully wrapped her arms around Jessica's thin frame.

"Look after yourself dear, you and your sister. You’ll need each other" she said wistfully as she let go and walked towards the front door.

She turned to both girls in the doorway with tears in in her eyes. "I love you two girls very much as if you were my own born, be careful! I'm always a phone call away if you need me." she said as she closed the door behind which made an echo throughout the old sea beaten house.


So what did you guys think of the first chapter? Let me know! don’t forget to Comment, vote and fan if you liked it :))

Amy Xo

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