Quick encounter

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Chapter 3 Quick Encounter;

As I hopped into the car I hoped to god she wasn't a serial killer, cause I had done exactly as she wanted me to, no questions asked! But since the car hadn't taken off as soon as I sat in the passenger seat and she hadn't locked me in I thought she might just be a normal person, well as normal as you can get asking strange people into your car I reasoned with myself.

She begin clearing her throat bringing me back from my thoughts when she said "Hi, my name is Sandra, I am head mistress from an academy nearby, don't ask the name because you wont know it" she added quickly. Okaaaaay.. what a strange thing to say I thought... "I have been watch you from quite some time now and I know what you are capable of, I would like you to join me there Amber, to live" she said. Stunned didn't know what to say really, "wait.. so you want me to live with you in your erm.. Academy? and you've been watching me? how come I only met you only 5minutes ago and you drop that bombshell on me while following me along the side of the road?" I said loudly while trying to quickly get out of the car, this bitch is crazy if she thinks I'm going with her!

"WAIT!" she yelled while stretching across to hold my door closed "we must have gotten off on the wrong foot..." she said. "how is there a right way to say that?" I shouted back into her face while trying to pull her hand away from the door handle. "I knew of your mother. Alexis was her name, I taught her at my school when she was younger". This made me stop and turn to look at her in the eyes "she was very gifted you know was your mother, I thought she would be the last born in her line but she proved everyone wrong, she was a feisty one as my mother used to say" she spoke kindly. "Well this has been nice and all but there's one little flaw to your story, you only look about 21 so I hardly believe you can still be 21 after teaching my mother when she was young" I said. "Yes about that... I am 21 but that's only cause I stopped aging after that". "OKAY, so this time i'm really leaving" I said loudly. This woman has to be crazy, there aint no way I can believe her little story now! That's just too far fetched I agreed with myself. Just as I heard chanting beside me I looked over to where the woman sat beside me and there was a flash of light and I blacked out.

My first thought was i had woken up in a bed, how did i even get here? tried to lift my eyelids but they just seemed so damn heavy... I fell asleep again.

The next time I had woken up my head felt so much clearer, but I was still no wiser as to how I got here, i slowly opened my eyes to see a really tall man with dark hair and deep brown eyes standing over my bed "Good morning Amber, Glad to see your awake. How is your head?" "uhm hi.. its okay" I managed to rasp out. Jeez my throat feels like the Sahara desert. i looked over to my night stand and took a gulp of the water and cleared my throat, ahh much better I said to myself.

Another woman walked into the room and began whispering with the man who stood over me before. The man slowly made his way over to the side of the bed where I was sitting. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself before, I'm Marcus, the doctor here Hill brook Academy for the Supernatural".

"Im sorry what??" I gasped.

"how did i even get here?" i questioned just as the woman who had been standing in the corner began to make her way over to me. I knew i recognised her face, it was the head Mistress. "YOU!" i pointed over to her accusingly "you knocked me out and brought me here!" "You don't understand, I had to bring you with me and you were putting up such a fight so i had to use a spell to make you sleep, it was the only way". "A spell?" i asked. "yes, im a Caster but you might know it as a witch i suppose. I'm not exactly green with warts on my nose though!" She laughed. "I can show you to your room, you'll be bunking with two of the other girls but i think you'll like them".

As i walked down the dark corridor to my room i looked out the window to see it was actually quite bright outside, hmmm... well it was nearly dark when i had met Sandra on the street home so that means i must have slept a long time for it to be daylight now.. Just then i saw Sandra the head mistress stop outside of a dark oak door and knock lightly on it. i hurried to catch up feeling quite nervous to meet these new people i will apparently be living with. The door creaked open and inside were two smallish framed girls "this is Luna" she pointed to the girl with bright blonde hair and clear green eyes. "Hiiiiii" Luna Squealed in a high pitched voice. "And this is Cleo" she pointed to the other girl with jet black hair with darker  coloured eyes, almost jet black. She looked my way and nodded her head in my direction. "This is Amber girls, she will be you new room mate, i hope you will be nice and show her around the place please". "Wait" i turned quickly to the head mistress "i don't have any of my belongings from home" i said thinking about fresh clothes and my shell necklace id left on my bedside locker at home. "don't worry dear, that will be arriving for you shortly" she said turning and closing the door softly behind her.

I turned to look at the two girls who were standing behind me Cleo seems to be doing something with the wardrobe and just as i looked towards Luna she made a bee line straight for me "OMG! your hair is amazing! is it naturally that red? Your so pretty, Do you wanna get a shower before dinner?" She streamed out a line of questions before i had even got a chance to answer "Ermm..Yes, Thank you and yes" i laughed, Jeez this girl is so damn bubbly! i laughed again to myself just them i heard a knock on the door, this must be my stuff. I made my way over to the door and opened it just then a pair of legs holding boxes up to the ceiling walked in "uhm i said, thanks for bring my things" i said to the unknown person. Just then the boxes began to wobble and fell to the ground, peeping over the top of the last few he had been holding was the most gorgeous looking guy i had ever seen! He stood at about 5ft 9 with dark black hair that was longish on top and shaved at the sides along his arms were full of tribal symbol tattoos. He lay-ed down the boxes at the corner of the room. "hey" he said sleepily "I'm Tate" "I'm Amber" i said " so what do you think of the place so far Amber?" "Well other than the fact i got brought here against my will, GREAT!" i said sarcastically "Well you're just a trooper aren't you?" he laughed "Catch you around Amber" he said and left the room.

I decided to get my things unpacked, since i wasn't sure where the hell i actually was, i didn't think id be going home anytime soon. Might as well get used to it i thought. I grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and headed for the shower.



My Goddess says im a what?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن