Donnie opens the gateway and switches on his googles looking around for any sighs of their fathers.

"There's no sigh of him." Donnie looks around.

"Alright move in quietly." Leo covers the little girls ears. The turtles jump one by one quietly except for Mikey who lands hard.

"Shh!" Leo, Raph, and Donnie shhh him annoyed.

"Sorry." Mikey mouthed.

They make it to the table, Leo lays her down on the table as they all gather around her. She was a little tiny girl with back length blonde hair, she wore a hospital gown that was covered in blood with scratches and cuts all over her body.

"Kid looks like she had been in a fight with cat." Raph looks over her.

"Yeah an angry cat." Leo agreed.

Donnie scans her with his googles.

"Well she only has a few cuts and bruises but most of them are old." Donnie said concern.

"Aww poor kid." Mikey reaches in toward her.

Suddenly her eyes snapped open her left eye chocolate brown but her right eye was mint green teal. Her eyes wildly went in different directions.

"Hey Hey it's ok." Leo put his hands up trying to calm her down.

She looks at the turtles with a strange look before jumping on top of Leo's chest knocking him down snarling at him like a wolf.

"I told you she would try to kill us!!" Raph pulled out his Sias, charging towards her but she jumps off Leo's chest and pounces on Raph trying to bite him.

Raph take his sia and jams it between her teeth, she bits down on it causing a dit.

"Aye!!" Raph flings her off, she gets on all fours and crawls up the walls she sits on the ceiling and hisses at them like a cat.

"It's the girl from the exorcists!!" Mikey hugged onto Donnie.

The little girl growled before jumping off the ceiling towards them.

"Ahh!" Donnie takes his staff and without thinking wacks her the stick as she rolls onto the floor unconscious.

"Donnie what the hell?" Leo screams.

"I'm sorry I panicked." Donnie was shaking like a leaf.

"Next time I'm gonna let her eat you." Raph slapped Mikey on the back head.

They all hear a groan as they see the little girl starting to get up.

"That's it." Raph pulls out a sia

"Raph stop!" Leo got in front of him but Raph pushed him out of the way. "Raphael!"

The little girl lifts her head, she stands up but gets dizzy from the concussion. She turns to see and barely misses being stabbed in the face from Raph's sia.

She gasps from shock as she backs away slowly.

"Ain't no time to back up now." Raph growled as he steps towards her.

"Dude stop your scaring her." Mikey got close but Raph pushes him behind.

"Alright kid I'm gonna give to the count of three to speak." Raph brought his weapon closer.


"Raph stop!"


"Dude seriously."

The little girl looked at Raph terrified, she whimpers as he stood over with angry face.

She burst of crying as she fell on her butt tears running down her face.

"Oh nice going Raph now you made a little girl cry." Leo scowled as the other brothers.

"Whatever." Raph huffed as he put his sia away "Kid needed a good scared."

Splinter walks out of his room with tired annoyed look. "What is all of this noise?"

His face suddenly softened as he saw the little girl crying hysterically.

"Who is this?" Splinter asked walking towards the little girl.

"She was in a building that was about to collapse." Leo explained "We had no choice we had to get her out."

"I see." Splinter stepped towards the little girl, she backs up shaking in fear.

"Do not worry child I'm not gonna to hurt you." Splinter leaned in, his clawed, but soft hand gently wipes her tears away.

He looks down at her arm and noticed that her arm had large cut.

"Donatello bandage her arm we don't want her to get an infection." Splinter instructed the purple masked turtle.

"Yes master." Donnie nodded, he got on one knee stretching out his hand. The little girl hugged Splinters waist.

"Don't worry it's ok I just gonna fix your wound." Donnie gave her a kind smile.

The little girl looked for a second before walking into Donnie's arms allow him to pick her up, carrying her to the first aid station.


"Okey I need you to roll up your sleeve
I need to treat your wound ya think you can do that for me?" Donnie asked the girl with a cloth in his hand.

The girl blinked and rolls up her sleeve exposing her bloody wound.

"This may sting a little you can hold my finger if it hurts." Donnie gently grabs her arm and starts wiping the blood away, the little girl whimpers from the pain and squeezes his giant green finger.

He puts a bandage around her arm.

"Don't unwrap this it's gonna help it get better." Donnie gets up from his chair wiping his hands with a towel.

"You're different."

Donnie turns with a shocked face it was the first time he had every heard her talk.

"Y-Yes Yes I am." Donnie sat back down. "I'm a mutant."

"I'm a mutant too." She points to herself.

"That explains you being able to crawl up the walls." Donnie chuckled.

The little girl noticed his glasses and takes them off of his face.

"H-Hey! I need those to see." Donnie laughed. The little girl stood up on the table trying to walk, but use to the blurry vision she almost falls off the table, luckily Donnie caught her just in time.

"You're a curious one aren't you." Donnie laughed as the girl looked around her new surroundings.

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