Chapter 1

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It was a autumn night in the city of New York, four mutant turtle brothers were dashing on the buildings like there was no tomorrow.

They were forbidden to go up to the surface by their mutant rat father Splinter, but with them being teenagers they didn't listen.

"Dude it feels so good out here!!!" Mikey screams joys in the air.

"Shut up Numb nuts!" Raph snapped, annoyed that Mikey was so loud.

"Mikey you're a ninja you're supposed to be quiet." Leo face looked annoyed.

"Sorry guys I'm just pumped we're not home." Mikey stretches his muscles.

"Uh guys." Donnie got they're attention "We have about 20 minutes tops before Splinter sees that we're gone."

"Alright guys lets start heading back." Leo instructed them.

The four boys started to walk off till Mikey hears a siren go off into the distance, he turns his head and sees a white building.

"Hey guys I think the people in there might need help." Mikey said. "

"Let the police handle it." Raph shoos it off "I ain't going to the hashi cause of you."

Mikey looked between the building and his brothers.

He thinks for a second before running towards the alarm.

"Mikey!!" Leo yelled after him but he keep running.

He lands on top of the building, crawling though a broken window, Mikey eyes gets wide as he looks around.

There was broken glass everywhere, doors were smashed as the pipes leaked water onto the floor. The lights on the ceiling flickered on and off.

"Mikey what is wrong with you?!" Leo scowled as the three other brothers caught him. "You can't just run off like that-" Leo wasn't able to finish as they all saw the massacre.

"What the-" They walked around, trying to process what they are seeing.

Donnie noticed a clipboard and picked it up, there was a patient's information.

"Guys I-I think this was a hospital." Donnie analyzed it.

"Well it's crap now." Raph kicked a piece of scrap away.

Mikey looked around at the destruction as he walked, he bumps into a pile of pipes but then he suddenly heard a whimper.

He looks closer to see a piece of hair sticking out at the bottom.

There was someone under there!

"Guys there's someone under here!!" Mikey called as he started to move the pipes.

The others ran over and started moving the pipes.

They finally move them all and under it is a little girl with blonde hair laying face down.

"Oh my god it's a little girl!" Leo eyes went wide.

Donnie squats down and gently turns her over, he grabs her arm checking her pulse.

"She's still breathing." Donnie looks at his monitor seeing a heart beat.

"We gotta get her out here." Leo picks her up gently.

"We're taking her with us?" Raph grumped not sure of the plan "She could try to kill us."

"She's a little girl Raph." Leo frowned "She's probably needs medical attention.

The boys runs out the building as the police arrive.


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