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-Midoriya's POV-
I woke up feeling like shit. My head hurt, I felt like I didn't sleep at all and my eyes were sore from bawling my eyes out last night.

"Mornin' sleep well?" I was startled by Kacchan's voice. I turned slightly and saw him standing with a bottle of water and two pills in his hands. He gives me the items he is holding and sits on the bed next to me.

"you were pretty drunk last night you know." I nodded and took the two capsules.

"Yeah...sorry 'bout that" I muttered, feeling the guilt from what I did last night grow in the pits of my stomach.

"It's fine. I get that, you just lost your mom after all. I felt like shit after my old man died." Kacchan said, giving me a sad smile. I tried not to look shocked. I had no idea Marasu died! That must've been hard on him, Kacchan has always been close with his parents even though he pretended not to be.

Kacchan sighed and patted my arm. "Izu, I want you to know I'm here for you. Whenever you get..." he paused, "Those...type of urges, please come and talk to me."

I smiled at the natural motherly nature Kacchan has. He's a lot like my mom really. Well before she started doing drugs and my dad came back into the picture. I also like the nickname. It's nicer than being called a nerd or bastard all the time.

"I know..Suki." I smiled at the blush that formed on Kacchan's cheeks at his new found nickname.

"Deku. How about I cook you something tonight? But you have to take me to the store. I haven't been out in literal weeks." Suki stood up and stretched before going over to my closet. He pulled out one of my hoodies and left.

I sat confused but got up anyway and did my morning routine. Once I had gotten my shower and attempted to tame my hair I went back into my room only to see Kacchan laying on the bed fiddling with my phone.

"What're you doing?" I asked, walking over to my dresser.

"You took my phone so I'm playing games on yours. Maybe give me my phone back or put a password on it." I laughed at Kacchan's words and changed, not really caring that he was in the room with me.

When I finished, I turned to Kacchan and told him I was ready. He nodded and stood, that's when I noticed he was wearing my favorite hoodie that said 'I put the B in LGBTQ' and a pair of white skinny jeans. I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not getting my hoodie back.

"Alright then let's go." Kacchan grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my room.

I told Todoroki where we were going and also told him I needed to talk to him later. Better to come clean about 'that' now then wait or lie about it.

The ride to the Walmart nearby was calm. We sang a few songs we had no idea we both liked and even joked around before we finally got to the store.

Kacchan didn't really tell me what he wanted to buy but I told him I was paying for anything he needed or wanted which seemed to annoy him. I thought that was cute.

We picked up a few things but I started to feel weird though, some guy has been looking over at us for about ten minutes and it's pissing me the hell off.

Sure I am one of the biggest crime bosses in the underground scene but only a few people know what I actually looked like. That included Hand Job and his lackeys. He must've been staring at Kacchan.

It's true that Kacchan was a beauty, when he wasn't yelling that is. He had soft features when his famous scowl wasn't on his face. And right now he is doing that cute thing where he sticks his tongue out just a bit and furrows his brows when he concentrates.

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