Gauri just smiled at them.


O:-Haa..keep it there ,(he said reading the newspaper)

G:-mm..i wanted to talk to you something.

O:-Finally,,you decided to talk with me..ok wht's it jaan?

G:-I...I applied for a job,,and got it !!

O:-Wowww,,tht's great,,why didn't you inform me earlier.

G:- I..I was not sure if i will get it,,also I thought you will be angry with me.

O:-Angryy? For wht? Listen,,i dont have any problem with you going for a job,,u have all the rights for it.

Gauri just smiled.

B:- Great discussion..huh?

I:-Planning honeymoon isnt it? I know I know!

The girls giggled .

O:-shut up,,u shameless girls.

B:-Haaww..see who is saying !

O:- Guyss plss..Gauri applied for a job and she got it..we were talking abt that!

B:-Woww,,thats so great bhabhi!

I:-Congrats gauri.

O:-By the way gauri,where did u apply ? (he asked sipping his tea)

G:- Sharma Industries (she said with an unnoticed  smirk ,leaving all the 3 shocked!)

O:-Sh..Sharma Industries??

G:-Haa Omkarajii,, i searched well abt the company,,Its very well reputed.Its my luck that I got a job there.

O:-Do they know u are my wife?

G:- Hmm..I dont know.

O:-Gauri ,listen its true that I dont have any problem in you doing a job,,but I am not gonna send ypu to that place!!

G:- Wht are u sayimg omkarajii,,how can u say that..Its everyone's dream to wrk in a big company like that.

O:- No No Noo,,U can't...

B:- Bhaiyya,,noo let her go !

O:-but bhavu,,u know..

B:-Let her go bhaiyya,,

G:-They asked me to join from monday (she said smiling). I will serve breakfast.

B:-I will also come bhabhi

They walked to the kitchen,,and stopped hearing Ishana scream.


O :- What??? Why are you screaming girll,,aghh my hears.

B:-What happened Ishu,(asked worried)

I:-Omkiee...(her eyes were filled with tears)  Bl..o.od!!


G:- Blood? where??

O:-God,,Ishana stop crying!

B:-bhaiyyaa,,,from ..your..nose..(tears rolled down her cheeck)

Gauri was shocked to see blood coming from both his nose.

O:- My nose?? (he slowly touched his nose to get his fingers covered with blood.)

O:-Blood?? But how??

Gauri remebered emptying the entire packet of poison in his tea.

G:-Shit (she whispered in a low voice)

G:-Omkaraji hear drink some water. (she said with a fake concern,,no not fake,,coz somewhere unknown to her she was worried and concerned for him.)

O:-Oh...its nothing ,may be due to climate change or something.I'm fine.

I:- a medical checkup plss..dont ignore it.

O:-Areyyy,,this is nothing,,I have no health problms.

G:-shhh..chup ,,come u should take rest!!

O:-Gauri,,I'm alright.

G:-No u aren't ,,pls listen ,take a sleep.

B:- Yes bhaiyya,,she is right ,,take some restt..

I:-Haaa om.

O:-Okk okk fine,,i will. Stop eating my head now!

Gauri companied him to thier room.

I:- Bhavya,,I wanna talk to you ,,mm..aomething serious!

B:-huh...whts it Ishu?


With in no time om slipped to deep sleep ,,must say the effect of poison was too much.

G:-Helo bhaiyya

A:-Gauri,,how's the plan going.

G:-Great bhaiyya,,from monday I will be joining our office.

A:-Woww,,he agreed soo fast? Can't believe!

G:- Because he soo madly loves me bhaiyya ! (she laughed out loud)

A:-haha...u can try a chance in film .


A:-I was just kidding doll.

G:- Ok bhaiyya,,bye.
Will call u when i get u.

A:-Bye doll,love you too.

Gauri turned to the sleeping omkara. An unknown pain rushed through her veins to see him like that..Those blood stains were still visible under the nose.
She went and sit beside him,caressing his hair.

G:- Sorry Omkara. I didnt wanted to give you such a high dose,,It happened accidentally (she sighned closing her eyes)
If situations were different,,I would have lived you back with all my heart,,more than you do. But wont happen.Take rest for now ,,I will be careful from tommorow while mixing it.

She placed a soft kiss on his forhead.

G:-No ..u cant fall for him,,not even with his shadow..remember,,he is the reason for your sisters death,,you cant fall in love with him.

She said herself ,wipimg away the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Helooooo guysss,,see who's back 🙊🙈
Missed me? Aftr long 3 months🤪
______________ all the scoldings and chappals are gladly welcomed 😁😁🙈

*I dont how the chaptr is,,,I lost all the touch in writing,,hope its good enough and u all love it.

Waiting for your comments,,I miss reading your comments

Dedicated to my dearest somu Saumya_Jha Here's a bday gift from me,,couldnt upload it on 29th .🤪🙊

Another good news is that,,we got a new ShreNal pic on Kj's bday . Shrenu di posted on her story for wishing her Omkaraji!🤧🤧❤

 Shrenu di posted on her story for wishing her Omkaraji!🤧🤧❤

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