"Put the warrant out. I want my daughter back." Demi speaks up and I'm surprised since she hasn't spoken a single word since they got here.

"Okay, we will get on that right now." Jack says.

"Okay, while they do that. I did a background check on Victoria to get any possible dirt on her or just information in general of where she could be and we found out some stuff." The private investigator, Michael, said.

"Okay, what did you find out?" I ask as he opens up his computer and turns it so Demi and I can see.

"The basic information is that she lives here in LA and she's in a relationship with a guy named Rafael. The dirt though, is that she's been arrested before. Breaking and entering and her boyfriend has also been arrested multiple times before. Breaking and entering, armed robbery, and domestic abuse." He says and my eyes go wide as I snap my head in the direction of Michael.

"What? These people are around my daughter right now. We need to get her like now." I speak up sitting up fast and I look over at Demi briefly to see tears in her eyes.

"We will get her back. Another thing I found though is that she is really good friends with an Erika Robertson." He says pulling up a picture of Victoria and that blonde that is apparently my new assistant.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I shout as I stand up.

"I bet it was a fucking plan all along. I can put money on it that Lizzie knew about this. God! This is all my fucking fault." I say as I start to pace.

"Baby this is not your fault." I hear Demi say.

"Yes it is! If I had realized sooner how toxic and ruthless these fucking people were then our daughter wouldn't be in the hands of a fucking criminal!" I shout at her and I see her flinch slightly. "I'm sorry." I say when I realized how loud I was yelling at her.

"I'm sorry, but I'm confused." Michael speaks up.

"That Erika girl is my new assistant that my sketchy ass manager hired without me knowing. She tried to get me to have sex with her right before Demi showed up at my hotel with the kids. I bet it was a fucking plan all along that they thought I would actually cheat on Demi with her and then somehow get closer to me so they can take Zara. God, I wanna fucking kill them." I say running my hands in my hair as I continue to pace in front of them, but I stop when I feel Demi's warm hand on my arm.

"Calm down baby." She says and I take a deep breath as tears fill my eyes.

"What if they do something to her. What if she hurts her or what if that boyfriend of hers does something to her. He's been charged with domestic abuse, that means he's violent." I say hopelessly and I see Demi's eyes fill with tears. "I'll never forgive myself if she gets hurt." I continue looking down as a single tear falls down.

"The warrant is out and the FBI has been called and they are on speed dial if they are needed." Jack says walking back in the living room with James.

"The police are on their way to Victoria's residence as we speak. Michael, can you track her and try and figure out where she is?" James asks and he nods and starts typing. I feel Demi wrap one arm around my waist and I take a deep breath and wrap one arm around her shoulders and bring her closer into me.

"I can't track her phone, she must have turned it off. But I can try her bank statements." Michael says after a few minutes.

"Okay, here we go. She just bought three tickets to São Paulo, Brazil. She's heading there then it looks like. Let me check to see when the flight takes off." He says and Demi looks up at me.

Forever and Always (Sequel to It's You and Me)Where stories live. Discover now