Akaashi just shrugged. "Fine with me."

Despite being slightly offended, Kuroo and Bokuto soon came around, reluctantly agreeing that it was the best option.


After what seemed like a lifetime, we finally made it to the cyber cafe. With Bokuto accidentally taking the wrong bus, and Akaashi going to retrieve him, then Kuroo getting us lost because he was following a cat, I was surprised we even made it before daybreak.

"Remember the rules," I warned the trio, mainly two of them, before heading in. "Leave the talking to me and behave yourselves."

Upon receiving an obedient nod from each of them, I led the group inside. Shortly, I managed to get us all seated and ready to start. "Bokuto and Kuroo, sit on either side of me." I told the two that required the most assistance. "And Akaashi, please go beside Bokuto. He will be needing all the help he can get."

Now that the first obstacle was cleared, many more lay ahead, starting with teaching the two noobs how to play. Much to my annoyance, they spent a ridiculous amount of time deciding on usernames.

Akaashi simply went with AK-47, the gun with his initials, and continued. With all the respect, I found that name rather lame. I mean, are you the weapon, or the person wielding it? Even more, Akaashi didn't seem like the type to use an AK.

Meanwhile, the rooster with his sky-high ego named himself KuroKami.1. Sure, the 'Kuro' part was understandable, as it was literally his name. But 'Kami'? Really? There was nothing funnier than a bot calling himself a god.

As for Bokuto, after much unnecessary consideration, he ended up with duolingo.owl. Honestly, it suited him quite well. To this very day, I still had nightmares of that wretched green owl jumping out of nowhere and forcing me to practise English.

Finally, we got our shits together and started gaming. With these noobs, I decided it was best if we played a couple of practice matches, before they embarrassed me in front of Fire.

Oh my god! Fire! I was so busy dealing with the dumbasses I had lost track of time. Grabbing my phone, I saw an unread message from her.

WhiteFire13: Hey, can I call you?

It was sent ten minutes ago. I mentally slapped myself for making her wait. I must've been too distracted to not even notice the buzzing of my phone. Quickly, I sent a reply. Well, actually, it was two.

applep1e: Yeah, hold up, give me a second.

applep1e: I'll call you in a minute.

"Now, listen up, losers." I addressed the whole squad. "We're about to start, so behave yourselves. Please refrain from bothering Fire, but if you really have to, text through the game chat. Remember, we'll be using our in-game names from now on. And whatever you do, don't get in the way of the sniper."

"Aye, aye, captain." Kuroo mocked.

Not bothering to reply, I called Fire. Her voice immediately cheered me up. "Hey, you good to go?"

"Um... yeah, sure." I replied hesitantly, thinking of a way to introduce our new team members. "But... I need to ask you something first."

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍-𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 [Kozume Kenma]Where stories live. Discover now