Off Limits Chapter 1

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"Girls, you nearly ready?" May, one of my best friend's mother, called from the kitchen. "Nearly. Give us a minute!" Malia answered her mother.

My two best friends, Malia and Alison, and i were getting ready for a disco that our town hosts nearly every month for the teenagers living here. Malia was wearing a short black skirt with a pink belly top. Alison wore a red dress with string straps and i wore a plain black backless dress, with criss cross all the way down the back.

We had our make up and tan done and Alison and Malia had their fake nails on. I didn't like fake nails so i just painted mine a dark navy. I was never really into all that girly stuff so i wore it but i kept it dilled down a lot. My blonde hair was slightly curled and draped over my shoulders. "I think were ready." I whispered as we took our last glances in the mirror before heading out to the car.

While we were pulling out of the drive way i saw one of Malia's brother, Peter, looking out the window. Peter is 16 which means he's a year older than us and is in 5th year in school. Secretly i've had a small crush on him since we first met but Malia had made sure that our best friends siblings are off limits. I guess i can understand that since i have a brother that all the girls like.

We arrived at the disco and had to wait in line for ages. There were a lot of people tonight. Inside music played, people were dancing and talking. Alison, Malia and i decide to walk over to a group of our friends from school. It was great.

After the disco May collected us and we go to get some food in Apache Pizza. It was delicious. We drove back to Malia's house and walked inside, laughing and giggling about the disco. We saw Luke, Malia's 11 year old brother brushing his teeth for bed. He ran over to us and i scruffled his hair. "Hey, Luke. How ya been." He was like my little brother too.

We passed Peter playing video games with one of his friends, Conor i think his name was. While we passed them i heard Conor say, "Jeez, when did your sister's friend get so hot?" I glanced back. "Which one?" Peter said, not taking his eyes off the screen. "The blonde." Conor said and saw me looking at them. I winked at him knowing it would make him laugh. And it did. He burst out laughing and Peter looked up to see at what. I smiled and he just shook his head but i knew there was a small grin tugging at the edge of his mouth.


"So, what's going on between you and Jack O'Connell?" Alison asked. "Nothing." I reply. "Oh, there is definitely something going on." Malia grabbed a cushion and threw it at me. We were sitting on her unnaturally huge bed talking at two in the morning. "Nothing is going on. I don't know what everyone is on about." I fixed myself on the bed so the cushion Malia threw at me was wrapped in my arms and my legs were crossed.

"Okay, if you won't talk we'll change the subject." Alison lifted her arms in surrender. "Thank you." I say. "I think we should play Truth or Dare." She said and Malia sat up excitedly. "I'll go first. Lydia," Alison turned to me. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." She smiled wickedly. "What's going on with you and Jack." "Ugh! Fine. All that happened is that he said he liked me, aksed me out and i said i'll think about it." I tell them.

"What! You didn't say yes! Why not?" Malia exclaimed. "Because he's- he's not my type." "Oh, come on. He's hot, you're hot. He's good at sports, you're good at sports. And he's popular. That would set you up even higher than you are now. You're perfect for each other." Alison insisted. "I'm not sure. Maybe." I didn't feel convinced. "I'm going to get some water. Do ye want anything?" They both shook their heads. "I'll be back in a sec." I climbed off the bed and walked out to the kitchen.

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