Chapter Two

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My old fashioned bell alarm trilled into the morning air and I had very violent thoughts of smashing it through my window. Instead, I silenced it and got out of bed. I'd had a fitful night sleep and felt like an angry bear that had been prematurely woken from hibernation.

Dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, flats, and a cream lace blouse, I pulled on my navy peacoat since the temperature had taken a nosedive over night.

I headed down the stairs and was running late, "Bye, dad!"

"Did you eat breakfast?" He called back.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Nope!"

I slammed the door behind me before he could protest and drove to school. When I arrived and parked in my usual spot in between Steven's truck and Aubrey's Audi. They were smiling into eachother's eyes and kissing against his truck as I shut off my car and got out.

I gagged and over dramatically coughed and pretended to heave.

"Rylie! Stop it--" Aubrey whined and I laughed and straightened to smile at the surprising blush Steven wore.

"Stevie! You're blushing!" I grinned up at him and pinched his pink cheeks.

He pouted and swatted my hand away, "Am not!"

I jumped so I could reach his pretty shaggy blond hair. I tousled it's softness. I love Steven's hair. "So, you two are so cute!" I giggled and jumped up and down clapping, like a typical girl. Realizing that fact, I stopped and scowled at myself. "Look what you two have reduced me too." I shook my head and smoothed my shirt. I ignored the way both Steven and Aubrey seemed to be fighting their amusement. I composed myself, "Best wishes with your relationship. For what it's worth, I think you two will last." I said with a serious expression and an exxageratedly reserved demeanor to make up for my momentary girl freak out.

Steven grinned and his pretty blue eyes landed adoringly on Aubrey, who was blushing but smiling at me like I'd just given her an adorable four week old puppy with a big red ribbon tied around his neck. "Oh my gosh, Rylie! I love you!"

I laughed as she threw her arms around my neck, "Geez, Aubs. Does it really mean that much to you what I think?"

She pulled back and gave me a very serious look, "Rylie, you're the most mature, level headed person I know. You're the first person Steven and I both go to for advice over anything. You give me better advice than my parents, girl. If even you think Steven and I will work then that means a lot to me."

"Seriously?" I asked. I knew my friends understood me and didn't dismiss my realism regarding romance as bitterness and cynicism, but to hear that she thinks so highly of my thoughts makes me smile.

Steven nodded too and put an arm over my shoulder, and his other arm around Aubrey's waist, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Seriously, Ry. Now let's go learn something today!" Steven said with false exuberance, making Aubrey and me laugh.

"Sup, Posie?" I groaned at the sound of Adam's voice and his use of the nickname he gave me when we were little.

"What do you want, Adam?" I grumbled.

"Well, I was wondering--" his tone was teasing and I knew he was messing with me.

"Adam, go find someone else to make suffer through your presence."

"Ouch. Always so feisty."

I rolled my eyes and gave a nod to Steven that I would catch up with them since we had first period together. I turned to face Adam, crossing my arms over my chest. "What do you want--or can you just leave me alone?"

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