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alibaba nodded mutely. "how..?"

khadijah shrugged. "because i've done the same."

all the heads inside and outside the room snapped their ears to her, khadijah raising a brow as she hummed. "i'm not talking about it."

he continued his story. the aftermath of the pillaging of the castle and the death of the king, alibaba had ran away. he ran like a coward unable to help his kingdom, and came back to find it in an even more disastrous state. trade and supply had been severely damaged, harming the economy of the country and apparently, after kashim told him what they'd done to the slums -placing them in quarantine after a virus appeared and letting them die without any rations- alibaba had joined kashim and his group to change balbadd. his goal was.. interesting; he wished to negotiate and threaten the fat bastard of a king for a peaceful outcome, but everyone in the room knew of what would happen if the negotiations went south.

war would erupt.

"you should all leave the country! before it's-!"

khadijah snickered, watching aladdin repeatedly slam his staff against the boys head. "calm down alibaba. you're acting irrational and it's causing you to lose your ability to think."

a dumbass, in short.

"you have us." aladdin spread his arms out, coincidentally, khadijah on his right while morg was on his left. "we'll help you come up with a solution to this problem. trust in us, alibaba-kun."

before they could've shook hands, khadijah grew excited; goosebumps rose on her arms and legs, a light shiver running down her spine. she stood up quickly, avoiding the shards of wood that exploded before jumping away from the window. "something interesting is going to happen~" she hummed, delightedly.

"we came to rescue you, mate."


stepping away from the wall that had collapsed, khadijah watched as masrur promptly picked up a marble table as if it was nothing, blocking the arrows coming from outside. her eyes briefly snapped towards the broken wall, watching a multitude of people scale the building and those around the hotel, weapons in hand with masks covering their identities-almost exactly like hers.

should i take it off? normally those who don't know of me might think i'm part of the troupe. that would bring unnecessary problems..


redirecting away someone's punch, her hand moved quick to strike their throat, watching them cough and choke as they plummeted to the ground. she continued this soft dance, moving away their intended hit before striking them so they'd be rendered useless. however, it was when a knife had nicked her forearm that khadijah had whipped out her hidden dagger, jabbing it into their stomach before huffing out a breath.

"you kil-?"

"if i wanted to kill them, they wouldn't be breathing." she ruffled aladdin's head, parrying an attack as she laid eyes on sinbad. she knew it was a mistake to focus somewhere else, but with the pathetic bastard who was flimsily throwing around his weapon, she couldn't give a shit. her vibrant eyes watched sinbad slam his palms against someone's chest; the tall bastard coughing up blood before he fainted.

quickly and effortlessly, khadijah snaked her hand towards the boys head, bringing it down before she kneed him. "you have to teach me that," she chirped, slamming her back against sinbad's. "in fact, just teach me everything you know!"

"d-don't you think this is the wrong place to talk so casually..?"

grabbing his hips, khadijah whipped around towards his front, kicking away two fog members before flashing him a obscured grin. "if these troupe members presented a challenge worth my attention, then i would agree." quickly elbowing one in the nose who approached her from behind, khadijah hummed. "but they don't."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 -𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖Where stories live. Discover now