2. Meangirls

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A terrible nightmare of my past wakes me up screaming at 12pm. My Mom and dad come running up to my room finding me horrified.

"Darling it was just a nightmare you wil be okay", my mother said trying to comfort me.

"But...but the girl...I saw the girl...she did'nt-"

"shhhh shhh my darling it was just a dream, everything will be fine, you can go back to sleep now, we will be here for you."

When I woke up the next morning after my terrible night I decided to make the best out of my day.

I stand in front of the mirror looking at my reflection with my long black hair;deep blue eyes and a fake smile just to convince everybody that I was fine.

I try out my new badass girly girl outfit to see if I will be noticed at school today, but as I approach my locker 3 girls started walking towards me.

Immediately I knew they were the mean girls of the school because they came to me just to tell my how horrible they think my outfit look.

"I'm not going to tell you who I am, all you need to know is that I'm the most beautiful and popular girl in school and by the way Tyler belongs to me and only me. So keep your eyes of him, I saw how you looked at him yesterday, you have been warned, stay, away." she said.

She must be the leader of the mean girls.

When I saw Tyler walking my way I decided to ignore the " mean group" warning. No harm will come from a friendship or will there?

"Mamma Mia, why do you look like you have seen a ghost?,"Tyler asked.

"Stop calling me that and I don't look like I had seen a ghost," I said.

"Well sorry for trying to make you laugh by giving you a funny nickname,"he said clearly shocked.

"No I'm sorry those girls caught me of guard and they spoiled my good mood."

"Well lets change your mood," he said.

"Okay, what do you have in mind?"

"You know these girls have their own private bathroom so I was thinking maby we could sneak in and replace their shampoo with orange hair die, but obviously they won't know it was us. What do you think, are you game?," Tyler asked with a smirk.

"THAT WOULD BE EPIC", I almost screamed at him, "but how are you so sure that they won't know who did it?"

"You just have to trust me on this one, but life would be boring without some pranks and danger you know", he replied.

"Okay then, lets do it, but were will we find hair die?"

"My art teatcher always has some hair die between the paint cans under her desk for some reason. I saw it there once , I will go get it, meet me infront of the principles office at our free period", he said.

"Wait... You do art?? But I don't even want to know why you were under your art teatcher's desk", I said laughing.

After the bell rang for my free period I ran to the principals office as fast as possible. When I got there Tyler showed me to their bathroom and gave me the hair die to replace their shampoo with. 5 Minutes after we did it, we saw the girls entering their bathroom.


Heyy guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment what you think will happen next.

Will the girls find out who pranked them???

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