Think before you leap

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Dana's pov
We got back after fighting the demon and I wasn't feeling so good everyone decided that they were gonna have movie night later , so I said goodbye to them and went for a walk I walked to the beach thinking about this whole Carter thing

*Beep beep*

I turned around to see the rescue rover coming my way , the rover pulled up in front of me with Carter behind the wheel

"Need a ride??" he asked

"Where to??"

"Hop in" he said as he opened the door

Oh no Dana don't this will only end badly...

"You hungry??" He asked

"Yeah , I haven't eaten at all today" I replied

"I know this amazing place it has the best burgers and milkshakes"

"Yeah , sounds good "

We pulled up outside a burger joint And got out the jeep and walked into the diner it was a small very 80's looking diner we walked up to the counter

"Well well well look who walked in , can it really be??? Carter Grayson???" The woman from behind the counter said

"In the flesh Joan" he replied cockily

"Finally have the time to come see us huh , Mr. Red Ranger??" She asked

"I always have time for you Joan!!" He replied flashing his smile

"Hahaha , good one Grayson. So the usual??"

"Make it two and add two vanilla shakes to go please"

" Right away and since we haven't seen you in months it's on the house" she said shooting a wink towards us as she walked to the back to tell the cook about our order

I turned my attention to the pictures on the wall I walked over to the jukebox when Joan came out the kitchen

"So who's the cutie" she asked Carter unaware that I could hear them

"She is Dana the pink ranger" he replied

"Damn , Grayson you are really enjoying life aren't you" she said

"No!!!  Joan she's different she's not like the others" he replied

What did he mean others?? And why am I not like them?? What was going on??

"I can see that , and you and me have to meet up some time you know catch up??I mean when your not saving the world" she said

"Yeah we have alot to catch up on I'll come by this weekend." He replied

"Sure , around 7:30?? Come over for dinner" She asked

"Yeah sounds good" he replied as Joan walked back to check on our order , I walked back to where Carter was standing just as Joan walked back out with our food

"Thanks Joan" Carter replied

"Your welcome and it was nice to meet you Dana" she said smiling

"You too!!" I replied

Then me and Carter went back jeep and we drove to the beach

"Umm... Car why are we headed to the beach??" I asked

"You'll see" he said

Then we pulled up by the beach and got out the jeep and I followed him and we walked to the end of the dock and he sat down and patted the space near him for me to sit down

"Here you go" he said handing me a burger

"Thanks" I replied taking it from him

After eating what felt like the best burger I've ever eaten in my life I grabbed my milkshake

"Oh my god this is so good , I mean I thought the burger was good but this is heaven"

"Hahaha , I told you it was the best" he replied

"So , how was your double date" he asked

"It wasn't a double date" I replied


"Yeah , we just went to the club and had a couple drinks , you should have seen Miss . Fairweather -

"Miss.Fairweather was there?? Drinking??" He asked laughing

"Yessss , she was and i swear she was wild you should have been there and did you see her today walking around like nothing happened"

"Yeah , I mean Miss Fairweather was fine , Kelsey was a tiny bit off today and well let's face it you were a mess" he said laughing

"Hey.... It's not my fault that I don't drink every weekend" I replied

He laughed as he got up and offered me his hand , I took his hand and got up

"You know what I'm so full , want to go for a walk??" He asked

"Sure" I replied

We walked a little but soon the cool night breeze hit me and I started feeling cold I rubbed my arms and hugged my self to keep warm

" You cold??" He asked looking at me

"Yeah , I forgot my jacket " I replied

The next thing I knew his arms we're around my neck as he threw his jacket over my shoulders he was so close I could smell his colounge , he took a step back and smiled at me a strand of my hair blew in front of my face and he slowly pushed it away he looked me in the eyes and we were leaning in everything was perfect

*beep beep* damn it stupid morpher I thought

"Hey where are you guys we're waiting for you two to start movie night!!!" Kelsey's voice came through

"We'll be there in five minutes" Kelsey I replied


The atmosphere at changed around me and Carter now after the almost kiss it was awkward , we immediately broke eye contact and stood there not knowing what to do......he finally spoke

"We should get going" he said

"Yeah , let's get back" I said as I practically ran back to the jeep

We didn't say anything on the ride back as we both didn't actually know what to say we finally pulled up in the base and I took of his jacket and handed it back to him

" Thanks , Car I had a fun time " I said looking at the floor avoiding eye contact

" was great and don't worry about it"

We made our way through the base and I sat down near Kelsey while Carter sat at the other end near Joel and then we watched the movie

Chapter's up stay tuned!!! And also I was thinking about writing a Jungle Fury one should I???

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