First Term

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The drive down was a happy one, my parents and my little brother Ryan singing to songs as we enter the University in matching jumpers. My parents have dreamed of this day ever since I'd gotten an A Plus on my first report card. They've plan everything for my whole life not keeping in mind that I have my own dreams.  My father brought me a set of mini drums from Walmart just to keep me busy from the long drives to grandma's on Sundays. I would perform in front of her and her friends in the care homes by the age of eleven Father gave me a real full on set of drums that I would play everyday after school. Mother didn't approve so she swap out my drums for a piano. It wasn't the total end of the world but I did miss my drums.   Ryan gets out the car following Mother in front trying to grab a hold of her white silk gloved hands. Father opens the boot getting out my three heavy sizes bags. They help me up to my dorm room that is across from the car park we'd parked in and up level three in the elevator. We don't talk much in the elevator as three other students join us talking loud and cheerful about something about river and a snake stick, no clue but they where all very good looking boys; all very different from each other but they all had the same skin complexion. They get out at level two and another two comes in. Two couples in hands, the both let go of each others hands once the guy presses number six. The girl looks over to me with her brown eyes and gives me a polite smile. "Welcome to Stanford"  she says fixing her long hazelnut hair. I thank her as we get out of the elevator.  She could be my new friend I'd think so; maybe.  I knew Mother  wouldn't let that happen, with her  bare skin showing and the piercings. Mother would flip out and send me back home to Australia with the Kangaroos and Koalas; were our farm never had air conditioning and were spiders would become my new normal friends.  Mother tells Ryan to stop running up and down the hallways while Father is behind me dragging my bags now. "Its here" I take one of the bags off of Fathers shoulders and open the door with my card swiping it. "Thank you" I give father a kiss on the cheek before opening the door. Ryan comes running into the room scaring a girl who wears a sunflower yellow dress that makes her black hair seem darker. "Oh so your my roommate, Names Lisa" We shake hands that looks promising. "Fiona" I give her a soft smile as she takes a sit at her desk what looks like to be studying.  "Okay well i'll give you a call on Friday or whatever? Come on Ryan lets go" Mother gives me a big smile as father puts the two bags on to my bed to the left side of the room. I knew mother was playing it cool but I knew she was freaking out inside and so was Father, he'd didn't say much since we arrived. Ryan gives me a hug and then follows Mother out to the dorms. Father unzips my bag getting my clothes out but I stop him in his tracks. "You don't need to; I'll be alright" I give father a hug. He lets go what seems like a long minute. "So proud of you" His voice is in a whisper; he walks out closing the door behind him.  After a few minutes of unpacking Lisa turns around in her chair. "Your parents seem sweet" I thank her in confusion not knowing what she meant by it.  "Did you want some?" She lights up what looks like a cigarette but when she blows the thick smoke out from her nose and mouth it smells like sage. I nod my head. "No thanks" Lisa giggles hard and then coughs. "Did you want to go by the beach later on, go for a swim?" I ask to get rid of the awkwardness in the air between us.  "Fuck it, sure!" She takes another two inhales and then holds her breath on the last one throwing the cigarette out the window that is half opened.  She strips naked not a care in the world and then pulls out her Yellow bikini's matching with her dress.  "Okay I'll be right back " I get my blue one suit bathers and head to the bathroom. "Your not wearing that around me, here try this one on"   She throw's a purple bikini. "I cant wear this" My voice sounding ashamed that I'm larger then her.  She laughs. "Don't be silly, you look good in them plus I'll give you these too" She throws a black dress that falls just above my knees and  black hair pin for my long wavy hair. I thank her as we head off to the beach which wasn't far of a walk probably about ten minutes. The day is still warm and sunny; with the sand sliding easily in between my toes. The beach is full of people, most laying down on towels on our left side and on the right side there are people who are playing soft ball.  Lisa lays her towel on the sand as I set mine next to hers with my beach bag. "Heyy!" Lisa screams out with her arms stretch out in the air hugging a girl who is also wearing a bikini that matches her pink plush hair. They both head into the water."No worries I'll just look after our things" I say under my breath as there feet get covered over by the sea waves.  A big bang hits my head giving me a sharp pinning pain. "Shit, sorry; Are you alright?"  A boy's deep voice heightens my eyes to open up, when his short blonde hair  comes into view and his grey eyes stares at me with concerns. My voice wasn't working, i wanted to say that I was okay but I hadn't said anything yet. The beach ball is in  front of my feet as I pick it up and throw it over to the net. It swings right over it as another guy catches it that looks like the same guy from the elevator. "Be careful next time" I warned him. "Sure will do so; here's my number if you know" He points to my head, pointing out if I get a concussion call him, that somehow he will help out.  I'm sure I'll be okay, I 'd made sure to be near the Aid Tower that is behind me  where a life guard who is looking through binoculars. Something I do that's goes on autopilot with Mother's voice playing in my head.   He walks off playing soft ball once again as the guy from the elevator calls his name. Peter.   Music plays in the background while I read my book *Brave New World*.  I get into the water as soon as my skin starts warming up to much; joining Daisy and Lisa. 

***Writer Board**

Thank you for reading my story even though I am still working through it. Please comment any positivity on it and don't forget to vote. 

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