"Thank you, but phew! You need a shower honey," she complains.

Luigi laughs, "Yeah sorry, but first let's check the waterfront." They run to the docks to find the water running clear of any further contaminates and also the pranksters responsible for the switch.

"Hey fish boy, I said give me your cash," Wario demands.

"I don't have any," Fishmael answers for the tenth time, "Now would you leave me alone? The water is finally clean enough to fish again!" Waluigi is sitting on one of the docks waiting for Wario as he also notices the cleaner water.

"Wario! The water's clean, someone must have fixed my work! How annoying..." he notes.

"Why do I care, I just want some gold!"

"Argh, why do I even bother with you? All you care about is gold!"

"Well at least I am focused on something, string bean," Wario taunts.

"How can you even call yourself evil if you don't just enjoy making mischief, blubber boy," Waluigi shoots back. The two continue to call each other names and argue about who is more evil until Luigi interrupts them.

"So you two are behind this!" The Elvin brothers stop and turn toward him.

"Oh it's just you," Wario nonchalantly notes, "Eh, I got no business with you. It was his idea," he points to Waluigi. "Now if you don't mind, I'm off to find me some cash." Wario walks away, leaving Waluigi to fend for himself.

"Sellout," Waluigi yells to Wario then turns his attention back to Luigi.

"Why did you switch the pipes," Luigi interrogates.

"Gee, let's think here for a minute, oh yeah. I'm evil remember! Duh," Waluigi sarcastically remarks.

"Grr, you'll pay for what you've done!"

"Really now, what are you going to do about it crybaby? Call Mario to take care of your problems," Waluigi retorts. Luigi chases him to the end of the docks where all the supply crates are stacked upon each other. The Elvin cousin scrambles up to the top of the stack with Luigi following close behind. Waluigi stands up the top of the crates and watches Luigi scramble up from behind. "Phew, I knew you were the stinky sidekick, but serious take a shower man!" Waluigi throws a smaller crate at Luigi, sending him crashing into the water. Luigi quickly resurfaces and swims to the side of the harbor to follow the fleeing menace.

"Get back here," Luigi yells as he follows Waluigi through town. The purple clad Wario brother leads them to the southern part of town. They pass the Li'l-Oink farm and Luigi realizes Waluigi's plan of escape and sprints faster. The gap between the cousins begins to close much to Waluigi's dismay. A train begins to enter the station and Waluigi's eyes brighten as a plan forms in his mind. With ease he hops over the gate like a seasoned track runner over a hurdle and sprints up to the platform. "Uh oh, not good," Luigi grunts as he pulls himself over the gate.

The green grassy fields are a welcome sight to Daisy as she awakes from her two hour nap. Oh good we must be getting close now, she yawns trying to fully wake up. A five hour train ride just seems so long now. Being so, she still loves riding the train and is excited to come see her friend Peach whom she had not seen in years. She also enjoyed the fact that she convinced her father that she could make the trip alone without the accompaniment of bodyguards; she smirks at the thought of that accomplishment, Never liked feeling like I was getting followed all the time, even if that is their job. Of course, Peach had a conniption when Daisy had told her that in her last letter as she worried about her safety. Daisy is not worried as she figures, No one will bother me if they can get a hold of Peach instead, never did fit the damsel in distress role well. Suddenly she is pulled forward as the train's brakes squeal as the driver uses them. Snapping out of her thoughts she grabs for her suitcase. Here's my stop, Daisy smiles relieved, more than ready to get off the train.

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