Trains and pipes

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A few weeks pass by and everyone settles into a new routine, the toads go back to their daily business as Mario spends most of his time at the castle with Princess Peach, while Luigi is either at home or in town. A big change for the green clad plumber as before when the toads needed help, Mario was always there man, but now with him always being at the castle and helping there, Luigi is on call. Both brothers enjoy the new situation as Luigi is no longer bored and Mario gets to spend time with Peach, help with the castle, and not worry about his brother moping around the house all day. Mario sits up in bed, waking from a good night's sleep and climbs down from the top bunk. After getting dressed, he heads to the kitchen for breakfast. He pulls out a bowl from the cabinet and grabs the cereal from the top of the refrigerator then sits down at the table, noticing the mail and a folded note. "Huh," Mario mutters aloud as he opens the note.


Went to the port, as the water is becoming polluted somehow and the toads cannot figure out why. Hopefully this is not the work of our cousins.... Anyway, have a great day at the castle! Say Hi to the Princess for me!


Mario chuckles, "He's getting as a bad as me, disappearing all the time and leaving notes." He finishes breakfast and heads off to the castle.

It is a bright sunny day and the sun's rays beam off the castle's white bricks giving it an inviting glow. Mario approaches the front door and walks in through the door without knocking, no longer needing for the formality. He enters the vast foyer where the castle servants are hastily cleaning. Mario scratches his head, wondering what was happening when a sweet voice calls to him.


He quickly looks up to see Princess Peach coming down the stairs in her best attire. "Peach what is going on? I thought all the important castle events were over for a while."

"Oh this is a last minute thing, but a friend of mine is coming to visit," she claps her hands in excitement. "I haven't seen Daisy since we were just kids!"

"Daisy," Mario's head snaps up, "You mean the princess from Sarasaland?"

"Yes this is so exciting! She'll finally meet you! I've told her all about you and Luigi in my letters, but now she can see you in person!"

"But she has already met me," Mario reminds her.

"What," Peach asks confused then thinks for a second, "Oh yeah! I forgot you rescued her from that alien guy."

"Tatanga," Mario corrects.

"Right, right," Peach agrees, "well, that just saves me an introduction! Oh I'm so excited! Okay there are only a couple of things to take care of yet, I need to check on the kitchen staff and make sure that Toadsworth is ready to take us to the train station to pick her up."

"Does he really have to come," Mario asks, "I mean I'll be there."

"Yes sweetie I know, but he insists as he worries about Daisy, she's sort of independent." Mario gives her a confused look she smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "I'll explain on the way."

Meanwhile in the middle of town, not too far from the port, Luigi drops down into the main sewer pipe. "Mister Luigi, are you alright," Chanterelle calls down while holding her nose from the stench.

"Yeah, I think I found the problem! Someone switched the flow of the pipes," Luigi calls back as he begins to switch the pipe flow back to normal. Ten minutes later, Luigi reemerges with his tool box, "That should do it." Chanterelle grimaces as she backs away from him, waving her hand in front of her face rapidly.

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