31: Zaofu Breach (long chapter)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I agree," Aiwei replied. 

"We need to question everyone one of them!" Su shouted. "Whoever betrayed my niece and my city will suffer all the consequences!" She turned and stormed off. The next day, Korra healed Ally's wounds and taught her how to do it on her own, then they went into a room to interrogate the guards. Lin kept a very close eye on her daughter as she listened to Aiwei questioning the guards. 

"Maybe it wasn't a guard, maybe it someone else!" Lin snarled. "Someone with a little more power, Aiwei, you should question Su."

"Mom!" Ally exclaimed. "Stop, Aunt Su wasn't involved with this."

"You don't know that," Lin snapped back. 

"Mom, may I have a word, outside?" Ally asked. Her eyes were blazing as she stepped outside with her mom. "Aunt Su has nothing to do with this, why are you being so harsh to her? Because of what happened in the past? Come on, mom, that was a long time ago."

"And how are you so sure it wasn't her?" Lin asked. 

"I'm a truth seer," Ally chuckled. "I asked her about it, and she never lied. I trust your gut, mom, if you think Su was behind it, I'll look further." 

They went back inside where Aiwei was questioning another guard. The guard was young, no older than 20, and Aiwei told them he was lying, they helped everyone in. Su grabbed his shirt and pinned him up against the wall, yelling into his face. Aiwei suggested searching his place, and Ally's eyes narrowed slightly, she felt a spike in someone's heart rate, but she couldn't place it. They searched and found a note from Zaheer, and a logbook. Everyone except Aiwei went to search around the cooler magma, for any clues related to Zaheer and his team. Varrick popped up and told them it was a conspiracy and that the evidence was likely planted. 

"What?" Mako asked. "Of course!" 

"I could sense a spike in someone's heart rate when we were questioning the guards," Ally told them. "I don't know who it was, but I think it was Aiwei."

"He's the only one in this city who can keep a secret!" Mako concluded. They went to his house and started searching around, Bolin picked up a little ceramic pot and put it back in the wrong place. Mako noticed some scuff marks next to the bookshelf where Bolin got his pot, he slid it aside and it revealed a hidden tunnel. He slid it back, just as Aiwei came inside. He looked at the group with shocked and angry eyes. Everyone started talking, making sure not to give to much away, and Aiwei invited them to sit down and talk. Mako started presenting the evidence, and Aiwei started walking toward his bookshelf, he turned around to face them and raised his arms, a metal sheet separated him and the group. Ally jumped up and punched it, creating a dent.

"Hurry!" Mako yelled. 

"Okay!" Ally replied. She forced an opening in the sheet of metal and everyone walked in. They opened a door and an explosion went off, Ally and Korra created a dome of air to protect everyone from falling debris. 

"Look!" Korra pointed at a tunnel leading out of the secret room, she and Bolin cleared it out and realized Aiwei escaped. 

"What happened?" Lin ran in, followed by Su. "Is everyone ok? We heard something explode."

"Is Aiwei here?" Su asked. 

"Aiwei was the one who helped Zaheer get in and out," Ally delivered the news, and Su's gave blanched. 

"No," she whispered. 

"We told him and he ran off," Korra continued and pointed at the tunnel. Lin went into a lunge, hitting her foot against the earth. 

"The tunnels collapsed," she said. 

"He rigged this explosion to destroy any evidence that could have convicted him," Mako finished. 

"I-I can't believe it," Su murmured. 

"Is everything ok?" A captain of Su's guard ran in. 

"Find Aiwei, he's a fugitive, get all guards!" Lin ordered. She put a hand on her sister's shoulder and squeezed it gently. Everyone went back to Su's estate to wait for news, Ally curled up against her mom, the explosion still rang in her ears. Aiwei was gone, he escaped through the tunnel and drove off. Su was in shock, someone she thought she could trust with her life betrayed her. 

"They're more dangerous than we ever thought," Mako said. 

"We need to find them," Korra announced. 

"No," Lin snapped. "There could be more agents hunting you as we speak. We're going back to Republic City where you and my daughter will be safe." Su agreed with Lin, but when her sister went to bed, she gave Korra the keys to a Jeep and told them to find Aiwei. So they left, Korra and Ally on Naga, and Bolin, Mako, and Asami in the Jeep. They were going to find that traitor.

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