Chapter 4: Christmas Break

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"Hey, Red!" Matilda called from the usual breakfast table. Ever since Red had become friends with Bomb and Chuck, he ended up becoming friends with Silver and her two friends, a Ravenclaw named Matilda and her boyfriend, a Slytherin named Terrance. Matilda was a little under five feet with a fair complexion and ebony hair that reached her the middle of her back. She also kept a white daisy tucked behind one ear, holding the hair on that side behind her ear.

Terrance on the other hand was a hair taller than Bomb, and a lot more bulky looking. His hair was a reddish brown crew cut, and he rarely ever had any other expression than disappointed scowl. Another thing about Terrance, he couldn't speak.

"Hey guys!" Red sat down and put his red leather notebook down in front of him. They had all learned that Red liked to draw in his notebook, and even had his own developing solution to make his art move. Red grabbed a sandwich off the plate in front of him and got to work making another sketch.

"Whatcha drawing today?" Chuck, who was ways sitting next to Red, peered over and saw Red sketching some base lines.

"You'll see." Red hadn't let any of them just flip through his sketch book, but if he decided to draw something with them around, he'd let them take a look at it once he was done. He found that they could give him some solid advice on his art and how to improve, although usually they just admired it.

"So what are your plans for Christmas Break guys? Going home or staying here?" Silver looked around anxious to know any interesting things her friends might be up too.

"Actually, Terrance and I are going to Paris with our families." Terrance nodded to Matilda's words.

"My parents and I are going to go visit my cousins. They work at a magical creatures reserve." Bomb was more focused on his sandwich then the question.

"Our parents are hosting a family Christmas party." Chuck turned to Red, who hadn't looked from his drawing, "What about you, Red? Any Christmas plans with your family?" At the word, "family" Red's head jerked up from his sketch book and turned so his eye rested on Chuck.

"Plans? Family?" Chuck didn't like how Red's voice seemed to grow more and more sullen.

"Yeah, what are you doing for Christmas Break?" Chuck repeated the question a little slower, making sure Red was paying full attention.

"I'm...staying at Hogwarts." Red put his sandwich back on his plate and pushed it to Bomb, having lost his appetite. Bomb scarfed the sandwich down with a brief, "thank you."

"Oh? No big family plans?" At Matilda's words, Red seemed to grow angry. Of course, he still got angry, and sometimes snapped at them if they we're getting on his nerves, but they were sure this time they hadn't.

"Yeah, something like that." Red's voice was harsh and full of negative attitude. He closed his sketch and set his drawing quill on top of it.

"Jeeze man, are you okay?" Chuck tried to put a hand on Red's shoulder, but Red smacked it away. Not enough to hurt, bit it still made Chuck's heart sink.

"I'm fine!" Red's voice rose a little, but not enough to attract attention. Sliver wasn't pleased by this.

"Red, he just asked you what's wrong! You don't have to-"

"I SAID I'M FINE!!!" Red had stood up and slammed his fist onto the table as he yelled, causing the Great Hall to go silent as every student turned to stare at the redheaded boy.

"Hey look," An athletic looking fourth year with black hair with blue ends called from the end of the Gryffindor table, "Eyebrows blew a fuse again! Everyone to happy for you, Eyebrows!?" A roar of laughter swept through the Great Hall, as everyone accept for Red's friends pointed at the poor boy and laughed, shooting insults and rude jokes.

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