Sgt Major Yibo

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I didn't forget about this
~ Author ♡

Still in flashbacks

3 days had passed and Yibo wasn't getting better.

Today they had to train the trainees because it was the beginning of hell week (The fourth week of Basic Conditioning is known as Hell Week. This is when students train for five days and five nights solid with a maximum total of four hours of sleep. Hell Week begins at sundown on Sunday and ends at the end of Friday .) Nobody wanted to go through the training well except the trainers who were going to enjoy it .

Team Delta feared for the trainees cause who knew what they are going to go through Yibo.

At the Hall

We are going to start Hell week tommorow and you all very well know that hell week is very important in your training and this year you are very lucky to have one of the best trainers. Cadets show your respect to Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps sergeant Major Yibo .First Sergeant Sgt Seoungyoun Master sergeant Wenhan and Master Sergeant Yixuan Haikuan introduced them.

Haikuan is always there to start hell week.

The Cadets stood up and saluted their Seniors.

They were given the orders to sit down by their platoon commander who received the orders from Seoungyoun through Wenhan . ( they go by Ranks)

I am trying so hard to not disrespect the Marine Corps
~●♡~ author

Omygawd it's them Zayn said gasping

Who is them. Jack

They are the most known officials. Zayn

What do you mean Jack

You see Sgt Major Yibo he is the youngest Sgt Major known and his team not many people know about it but they are the best in Marine Corps Zayn

He is handsome Jack

His nickname is silent lion. He is fierce as a lion but silent. The only people he talks to is his team mates and the Director Zayn

It's the start of hell week hope we survive Jack

The Cadets went to sleep that night

Team Delta barracks.

Yibo and the others were getting ready to start hell week which was officially going to start that night.

Yibo please go easy on the boys don't be too harsh Wenhan

MNH Yibo

Should we be worried about them or what Yixuan whispered
Judging by the amount of workout he has done they are dead Seoungyoun

They go to the Cadets Barracks.

They blast the waking call. The waking call was a loud noise made by something that looked like a trumpet but it was not a trumpet it was something that made a loud annoying sound that nobody liked.

The cadets woke up the moment they heard the sound.

What in the world is happening Zayn
I don't know but we need to wake up Jack

A minute later Youn came into the Barracks all geared up.

Yes sir the Cadets stood attention to reply

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